Issue When I load one save, it returns to title screen


Hi, I've been trying to figure out how to fix this with no luck. When I try to load my modded SDV my main farm right now doesn't load but rather sends me back to the title screen. This doesn't happen on the other farm world I have that's also multiplayer. This problem also doesn't happen when I join in vanilla. I am on PC but I don't use Steam, I got it off XBox Gamepass. I uninstalled and reinstalled mods to try and see if that was the problem but no change. If someone could help I'd be very grateful.

This is what shows on SMAPI when I try and load that specific world.


When I uninstalled "The Perks of Being Married" that seemed to fix it, although that wasn't the new mod I had installed. Not sure why but glad it's fixed c:
Kind of a shame since it worked previously and I enjoyed the mod.