whats your favorite farm map?


So i been running 8 farms for experiment, but currently I like the riverland and the beach farm but the other 6, I'm kinda not liking, currentlythe one I'm playing today is the medowland farm, I don't like it that much, your thoughts on your favorite farms so far?


Honestly just a fan of the basic farm and forest farm.
Beach has annoying downsides and I like having a lot of land so river is only really good for the smoker
Forest is fun! Mushrooms are good early plus it's the prettiest land imo.

The others I have no opinion on. They're like vanilla ice cream, i like it sure but you can just have strawberry ice cream (forest/basic farm)


Local Legend
I’m personally a fan of the beach farm

If people have seen my farms I love my open space and since the addition of ginger island (along with boredom of the same early gameplay loop every file), I don’t really touch crops that much, especially not on the mainland

I’m fine with a massive, open map that’s pleasing to the eye (so I can sacrifice on design of course)

I also like the standard farm for much the same reason, plus I’ve just been playing it for so long I naturally gravitate towards it on new farms.

I do like to use the other farms, I just will only use them in specific farms centered around them or a related thing. I made a wilderness farm for a massive some hutch farm, a riverland farm focused on fishing and fish ponds, etc.
I think I get the best of both worlds playing like that, enjoying my favourite farms for my main farms and having fun with the quirky ones for specific challenges which suit them.


I’ve played on all farm maps and I liked most of them. The ones I picked several times are beach farm and forest farm. I don’t mind the limited sprinkler space because I never plant many crops. Actually the field on the beach farm is larger than what I usually do.

i do like the even divisibility of the four corners farm, and the river and hilltop farm are pretty.

I did like the meadows farm and getting blue grass and free chickens early, so I’ll definitely do that again once it comes to mobile.