What's your favorite alcoholic drink(s) of choice?


What is your favorite occasion and way to drink it?

Do you prefer drinking straight/neat, basic mixes, or fancy coctails?

Are you a home drinking person, an outdoors establishment drinking person, a lone drinker or a social drinker with friends/company?

Do you bother researching the world history on your favorite drinks, local tradition, various place's legislation, name of origin, unique brands and following modern tensions/changes?


I can no longer drink due to my health issues and medications, and haven’t been able to in decades. I had a very short lived love of wine and wine only, before my disability. Sweet, dry, red or white it mattered not to me. I never had more than 3 glasses at once and did much better at one or two, but I enjoyed it once or twice a week. I’m all for only moderation in drinking and all against drinking and driving. Drunkenness to me is like why? Why would anyone want to feel that way for a few hours when you feel sick the whole next day. Plus those few hours can change lives for the worse depending what you do or what decisions you make during them. Call me a goody two shoes but I’ve seen way too many lives ruined and or lost by too much alcohol.

Beer is gross. Other harder liquors are gross. Fruity mixed cocktail type drinks are ruined by alcohol imho. For instance ‘virgin’ pina coladas are way more tasty, refreshing and hydrating than their alcoholic versions.

Stardrop LoFi

What is your favorite occasion and way to drink it?

Do you prefer drinking straight/neat, basic mixes, or fancy coctails?

Are you a home drinking person, an outdoors establishment drinking person, a lone drinker or a social drinker with friends/company?

Do you bother researching the world history on your favorite drinks, local tradition, various place's legislation, name of origin, unique brands and following modern tensions/changes?
I am very much so a person who enjoys drinking at home with friends. Mainly neat whiskey but also really enjoy making mixed drinks as well :)