What's your fav dish, fruit, vegetable and dessert?


SO my fav dish is pasta with bolognese sauce, my favourite fruit is tangerine, I hate almost every vegetable, but I guess I'll go with onion and my favourite dessert is tiramisu, cake Pavlova(prolly because that's my surname lmao/j) and nougat(PISTACHIOS). What's yourss..??????????


I don't have a single favourite food. Two examples are sushi (I like all seafood except rubbery octopus) and homemade (by my husband) pizza.

I enjoy all fruit, and again can't pick one favourite. Bananas, mangoes, and nectarines, at least.

I enjoy most vegetables, favourite I guess would be carrots or green peas.

As for dessert, ice cream. Flavours, I'd say mint chocolate, cookie dough, and cherry (they need to have chunks in them).


I don't have a single favourite food. Two examples are sushi (I like all seafood except rubbery octopus) and homemade (by my husband) pizza.

I enjoy all fruit, and again can't pick one favourite. Bananas, mangoes, and nectarines, at least.

I enjoy most vegetables, favourite I guess would be carrots or green peas.

As for dessert, ice cream. Flavours, I'd say mint chocolate, cookie dough, and cherry (they need to have chunks in them).
That's a cool choice!


SO my fav dish is pasta with bolognese sauce, my favourite fruit is tangerine, I hate almost every vegetable, but I guess I'll go with onion and my favourite dessert is tiramisu, cake Pavlova(prolly because that's my surname lmao/j) and nougat(PISTACHIOS). What's yourss..??????????
Me personally, sherpard's pie is my favorite meal, my favorite fruit is apple (basic but good), my favorite vegetable is carrot, and my favorite dessert is strawberry cheesecake with black coffee.

Lew Zealand

Food: Any kinda meaty ravioli, I love all pasta but can make a lot it like Lasagna (yum!). But I can't make Ravioli.
Froot: Cherries, but all froot is great!
Veggie: Cucumber because all the crunchamunchin'. It's a texture thing.
Dessert: Coffee Ice Cream. It's almost like someone mixed 2 supergreat things together: ice cream and coffee. Crazy stuff


Food: Any kinda meaty ravioli, I love all pasta but can make a lot it like Lasagna (yum!). But I can't make Ravioli.
Froot: Cherries, but all froot is great!
Veggie: Cucumber because all the crunchamunchin'. It's a texture thing.
Dessert: Coffee Ice Cream. It's almost like someone mixed 2 supergreat things together: ice cream and coffee. Crazy stuff
cucumber is such a fire vegetable i eat mine with seasoned salt and it's heat


My favorite food is homemade cheesy pasta. Im getting hungry thinking about it.
My favorite fruit. Probably plums, but i like most fruits. Honorable mentions go to kiwi, grapefruit, oranges, and cherries.
My favorite vegetable is asparagus, sauteed in butter. They are like unbelievably good and also they are how I learned to like asparagus. Also grilled veggies are really good. Brussels sprouts, brocoli, you name it.
Finally, my current favorite desert is a treat called Helados Mexicanos ( basicly mexican popsicles). They are not very common in the us but major grocery chains will sometimes carry them, and they kinda tast like frozon yogurt but its a popsicle? They are sooo good, my spanish teacher introduced them to me.

Also, I know this isnt a category but i REALLY like pastries. So much so that i cant not mention them. Especially the fruit ones, those are my favorite.


I'm gluten free, so every dish I list is made with gluten free substitute. c:
Dish: Japanese style curry (but kept spicy), spicy fruit/bean chilli, tacos
Fruit (raw/fresh): mango, strawberries, cherries, bell peppers, tomatoes
Fruit (canned): peaches
Fruit (cooked): bell peppers
Vegetable (raw/fresh): celery
Vegetable (cooked): artichoke with harvest dijon mustard + melted butter dip
Dessert: cranberry orange muffins, cheese cake, ice cream cake, cookies
I love all the food so much. As I read everyone's favorites I am agreeing because so delicious! I love Indian food, but can't choose just one dish. My family doesn't eat meats so Indian food has a lot of choices. I love every Mexican food I've ever tried. Any pasta with sauce and every noodle. French fries! Every breakfast food, omelettes and pancakes. Southern/soul food. Pizza! Picnic food, deviled eggs, weird salads! I love to try foods people have made, old family or cultural recipes.
Fruit might be my favorite food, I love berries and melons especially.
I can't think of a vegetable I don't like. I only tried parsnips once, like a white carrot that's wooden on the outside? Couldn't believe how amazing that is, why aren't they more popular?
And desserts! Don't get me started! I love every cake, cookie, pie. Chocolate, whipped cream.


Roast chicken with potatoes is my favorite main dish. Annointed with extra virgin olive oil, Himalaian salt, freshly crushed/ground black pepper, fresh thyme or oregano (i prefer thyme). When just out of the over, i pour over it freshly squized lemon/lime juice.

My favorite vegetables and my regular go tos for salad, are Cauliflower and Broccoli; i especially like the star-shaped broccoli, which is funny but very nutritious! Steamed, or boiled. They need extra care during preparation, are delicate. Annointed with extra virgin olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon/lime juice, are very tasty!

My most favorite fruit, is Mango. But it is very tricky to spot good quality ones. They cut them early to export and not all of them, can be ripened properly... Some go bad, others have that tiny little worms inside -which you need to (s)train your eyes in order to spot their traces-, others are too greenish and hard. A real headache, for the connoisseur, meeting all criteria and getting at the desired "value for money", alas. Close second, is pineapple. I frequently combine those two! Knowing just when to cut and prepare them, is the only hard part. When in doubt, follow your nose. Sweet, fragrant smell, means "eat me"!

As for dessert, i cannot resist crepes, with milk hazelnut praline filling. In my place, there is such a variation of hazelnut praline, containing milk and chocolate, which is to die for. I have a homemade recipe for crepes and the kitchen tool to prepare them. I eat praline filling with crushed crumbs of chocolate buiscuits, but others like Honey, Cinnamon and crushed nuts. I just take orders and use the materials that lie on the kitchen table, once i cook crepes. The only downside is they need preplanning, since the mixture must rest overnight, inside the fridge.