What to feed my Golden Cracker to?


I found my first Golden Animal Cracker. I have every animal, minus dinosaurs and a wide variety of fish ponds, but i am terrible at decisions; or micromanagement, for that matter!

Where would you give it to?

I am thinking of Lava Eel, Ostrich, or Rabbit. But i am open to suggestions.


Local Legend
I would put it on the fish pond, putting it on an animal only saves a couples tiles (coop or barn is 21/28 tiles and holds 12 animals, even with the space in front of the coop/barn accounted for that's only 2-3 tiles per animal), while putting it on a fish pond effectively saves 25.


I would put it on the fish pond, putting it on an animal only saves a couples tiles (coop or barn is 21/28 tiles and holds 12 animals, even with the space in front of the coop/barn accounted for that's only 2-3 tiles per animal), while putting it on a fish pond effectively saves 25.
Oh I forgot you can use them on fish ponds. Brb going to double my caviar production. :toothy:


I had no clue they could be put on fish ponds. I have 4 on my farm, so that is really good to know.

So far I have gave them to all my chickens, cows, goats, sheep, and ostrich. I still needed collect more for my ducks, dinosaurs and rabbits.


I would say rabbit or lava eel. If you use rabbit feet as loved gifts a lot, do the rabbit because doubling production as early as possible will help stockpile that rabbits foot collection that can otherwise take forever to get. If you're looking for a money maker, do the lava eel.


I gave them to all my farm animals until I got Ostriches (Year 4), and I've now been giving it to them as 1 ostrich egg produces 10 mayo. Finding Golden Animal Crackers is dependent on luck, so i also use an Artifact trove when my luck is the highest, so i can try to find more Animal Crackers


I gave them to all my farm animals until I got Ostriches (Year 4), and I've now been giving it to them as 1 ostrich egg produces 10 mayo. Finding Golden Animal Crackers is dependent on luck, so i also use an Artifact trove when my luck is the highest, so i can try to find more Animal Crackers
Wait, what? Artifact troves have a relatively "decent" chance to find Animal Crackers? Then, the new Treasure Totem would be a total overkill!

Now i know how i will boost production of all animals + fish "early" in this run!


I don’t get many animal crackers. Where are they best found? Occasionally I get one in the mines or a dig spot (but 1.6 made dig spots even less common it seems. ) Can they be bought somewhere?


I’m not 100% sure how they work but I know they boost production, except for pigs. So I’d say the animals that give most expensive items the most frequently. Ostriches don’t lay eggs that frequently so I’d definitely say no there. If you need food goat milk might be good to have more of for cheese. Bunny feet if you need loved gifts (not penny!) Plus cloth is more now so even if they don’t give feet then you’re still not loosing out. I never thought fish ponds would accept them. Learn something new every day! If I remember (been a while since I had fish ponds) lava eel roe (aged in preserve jar) or sturgeon roe made into caviar (preserve jar) both great for extra cash. Up to you what you need most. Food, gifts, money.


Local Legend
I gave them to all my farm animals until I got Ostriches (Year 4), and I've now been giving it to them as 1 ostrich egg produces 10 mayo. Finding Golden Animal Crackers is dependent on luck, so i also use an Artifact trove when my luck is the highest, so i can try to find more Animal Crackers
Finding them from some sources like killing monsters is affected by luck

Geode contents are NEVER affected by luck so you can open them on any day and have the same stuff (as all geode loot is predetermined)


Local Legend
I’m not 100% sure how they work but I know they boost production, except for pigs. So I’d say the animals that give most expensive items the most frequently. Ostriches don’t lay eggs that frequently so I’d definitely say no there. If you need food goat milk might be good to have more of for cheese. Bunny feet if you need loved gifts (not penny!) Plus cloth is more now so even if they don’t give feet then you’re still not loosing out. I never thought fish ponds would accept them. Learn something new every day! If I remember (been a while since I had fish ponds) lava eel roe (aged in preserve jar) or sturgeon roe made into caviar (preserve jar) both great for extra cash. Up to you what you need most. Food, gifts, money.
The easiest way of thinking about them is they double whatever that animal made that day (bar pigs because it doesn't work on them)

If you have a chicken, instead of laying 1 egg each morning it lays 2, which are identical

If you have an ostrich, it lays 2 each week, both on the same day it would have produced one

If you have a rabbit/duck it'll double what you get for that day, that doesn't mean a high chance for rabbit feet, simply that'll you'll get double when you do roll the chance

If you have it on a fish pond that produced say 2 roe, it will give you 4 roe instead (there are additional quirks with fish ponds in 1.6.8 which allow for getting 999s of roe at a time but that's for another, more complex explanation)
In Dangerous Skull Caverns, I get Animal Cracker drops every once in a while from killing monsters. It is also possible to get an Animal Cracker in Golden Treasure Chests while Fishing.

As far as what to use them on, I used my first one on a Rabbit to up that Rabbit's Foot production. If you are into Wool Farming and are going the Sheep route with the Shepherd Profession, then Sheep could be a great choice to feed an Animal Cracker to as well.