MaloMastersGaming Greenhorn Yesterday at 4:27 PM #1 Updated to the 1.6 update for the ps5 Stardew Valley and I go in the volcano and my bridge I spent walnuts on and it is gone no rocks or enemies and the dwarf is in a wall and water in the volcano. Please help!!
Updated to the 1.6 update for the ps5 Stardew Valley and I go in the volcano and my bridge I spent walnuts on and it is gone no rocks or enemies and the dwarf is in a wall and water in the volcano. Please help!!
UntouchedJewel Newcomer Yesterday at 11:49 PM #2 I have the same issue, nothing spawns and the volcano is just the same floor all repeated. I'm hoping this is fixed soon.
I have the same issue, nothing spawns and the volcano is just the same floor all repeated. I'm hoping this is fixed soon.