1.6 Update What the heck? (Bug or Secret?)


Playing unmodded & on android.

Currently working on the qi bean challenge. In day 18 of Spring, I walked into town at 9pm from the SW entrance and as soon as I entered I got a weird waterfall-like flow of 1000-some-odd sap and 136 qi beans...

It looked like a bug but I dunno. Anyone know what I stumbled onto?


I've seen bugs where trees will randomly fall down when entering the town, both in my game and others. That would be my guess for what's happened, just on a massive scale. I don't think you'll need to worry about it causing other issues.


Local Legend
It's sort of a feature? though a bugged execution of it

1.6 made it so that trees in the town are invincible, and ones that were previously planted are instantly chopped down (and replaced with invincible ones for the trees that are decorative features in the town and not just planted)

The game kinda messes up when its supposed to discard or drop the materials from these trees though, and dumps them all right outside the entrance to cindersap forest


I often hear a tree falling noise when entering town or sometimes the forest. 1/3-1/2 of the time. If I’m by the tree i get wood and sap if not i will see a tree staring to grow again somewhere in town. Definitely a 1.6 mobile (not pc) thing.

Though if you try to chop a grown tree in town it gives you that message to not chop trees in town. Who knows. Free lumber so not complaining lol😂


It felt like when you're super hungry and choose something from a vending machine, and 2 of the thing you wanted fall. Those qi beans 😂