What should I get first?


I’m working on totally completing my file and I don’t know which to aim for first. Should I get the golden clock first, the statue of endless fortune, or the return scepter?


I would get the return scepter because then you could spent a lot of time doing something not having to worry about getting home late. Also, I don’t find debris a problem on my farm or replacing fences.


I would get the return scepter because then you could spent a lot of time doing something not having to worry about getting home late. Also, I don’t find debris a problem on my farm or replacing fences.
The debris doesn’t bother me much, I was just thinking of working on getting the 100% perfection. But I totally actually agree, I think that the return scepter is a good idea! Elliot fixes most stuff that breaks on my farm anyway.


I agree, get the return sceptre. The fact that you need the golden clock for perfection is a good point, but if you're at the point where you can make 10 mil in a reasonable amount of time, then hopefully making an extra 2 mil first won't take too long. Depends on how your farm is set up, though.

IMO the statue of endless fortune's best use is that it makes birthday gifts more convenient, which is nice, I guess, but nowhere near as useful to me as the return scepter. Obviously, the value of that depends on whether you like gifting NPCs, and whether it's easy for you to get them loved gifts without the statue. The wiki says the statue of endless fortune is a good way to get iridium, but if you're at the point of having millions of g and working on completing the game, then you should be easily able to get the statue of perfection from Grandpa's shrine which will give all the iridium you need to craft stuff.


I agree, get the return sceptre. The fact that you need the golden clock for perfection is a good point, but if you're at the point where you can make 10 mil in a reasonable amount of time, then hopefully making an extra 2 mil first won't take too long. Depends on how your farm is set up, though.

IMO the statue of endless fortune's best use is that it makes birthday gifts more convenient, which is nice, I guess, but nowhere near as useful to me as the return scepter. Obviously, the value of that depends on whether you like gifting NPCs, and whether it's easy for you to get them loved gifts without the statue. The wiki says the statue of endless fortune is a good way to get iridium, but if you're at the point of having millions of g and working on completing the game, then you should be easily able to get the statue of perfection from Grandpa's shrine which will give all the iridium you need to craft stuff.
I think the most money I’ve made so far is 3 mil, and I’m currently working my way back up to two. I don’t think the endless fortune is really a top priority, since I’m almost at 100% with all my friendships, save maybe 4 of them. I just gotta stock up on gifts to give Pierre. And I already have the statue of perfection. I guess return scepter is the way to go!


Local Legend
You got the obelisks before getting the Return Scepter? Has the world gone mad? 😉 Srsly, though, the very FIRST thing that you will ever see me spend 7 figures on in this game is the scepter. Before every obelisk. Before ever getting a Statue of Endless Convenience (as the spouse and I call them). It's too useful.


The other morning my darling spouse, dog, and toddler decided to congregate around the front door. I didn’t feel like fighting my way outside so I used the return scepter to leave the house. That sucker is useful. Lewis approaches to discuss taxes- return scepter. Harvey’s blathering on about sunscreen and hand washing- return scepter. Shane is being, well, Shane- return scepter. Get the return scepter; You’ll be amazed how much easier your life is.

Lew Zealand

Return Sceptre first every time. It takes you home from anywhere in an instant and you'll use it every single day. You can even try to keep Pam 2m away by brandishing it about. Whereas the Obelisks only get you to a single place and you'll only use them on occasion. Worse still, they're of limited use when avoiding Pam.

On the other hand, the Golden Clock is for people who have Farms that are actually something to be proud of. Which is not me, as a nice neat Farm is actual work and takes organization and talent. And anyway the arrival of a new Season or Year is once again a roll of the dice whether my Farm entropy increases or decreases, and I like those gambling aspects of Stardew Valley. But the Clock is a great option in end game once that g really comes rolling in and you've already cleared Pierre out of his house-brand Blueberry Jelly that looks suspiciously like the ones you sold him for 1/2 the price last season.

The problem with the Statue of Endless Fortune is that a quarter of the time its endless fortune not for you, but for the rest of the village. By the time you can readily afford that and it becomes useful, you either need to have been avoiding getting hearts with the villagers (an admirable strategy), at which point why start now and ruin your perfect record? Or you've been grinding your hearts with them already, which renders the Statue a 27-times a year opportunity for disappointment. However, don't underestimate the value of walking by Haley's house eating a Pink Cake on Spring 14. Hint: better give Kent the Roasted Hazelnuts though, and I give in and hand the Leek to George as I simply don't look good in green.
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I would leave the statue of endless fortune for last, as the first guy I also reccomend getting the return scepter first, as it can get you out of some sticky situations, especially in skull caverns. The golden clock is a help if you don't want be clearing up your farm every now and then, it does get annoying after you clear your entire feild in the first place and you have to comb the area for the things, especially when you have stuff you do.