What is this Fiber/Weed/Grass, how to craft?


Hello, first of all - sorry for my English, I'm from Germany. As you can see on the pictures, there are some weird green plants, that I have to craft to get the achievement "craftmaster". But how? It has something to do with the mods, I guess. All of the mods, that I'm using, are on these pictures.

„Rezepte“ means recipe
„Herstellen“ means crafting

Maybe you can help me. Thank you!



I'm pretty sure those are grass starters, you can craft those with x10 fiber, I'm not sure which mods do what as I have never modded so I may be totally wrong, it may just be fiber, I don't know what "unkraut" means so I am going off only pictures


It seems like you're encountering an intriguing challenge in your game! Achieving the "craftmaster" status likely involves crafting specific items, and the green plants you've shown might be part of those recipes. Given that you mentioned mods, it's possible that one of the mods you're using adds these plants as ingredients for crafting. To figure out how to utilize them, you might need to consult the mod documentation or community forums for guidance on crafting recipes. Also, since you mentioned being from Germany, your English is perfectly fine! It's commendable that you're seeking assistance across language barriers. And just to add a twist to your gaming adventure, maybe you'll stumble upon a rare ingredient like Moroccan habibi hash while crafting, adding an extra layer of excitement to your gameplay experience! Good luck on your crafting journey!