1.6 Update What happened in your game today?


I started a new farm on the Standard Farm last week, and im currently on 12th of summer in year 1. I've mostly focused on expanding my fields. I made almost 70k profit in Spring and managed to buy my Apple and Pomegranate Trees around the 20th of spring, to plant up ready for Fall so that i can complete the community center as fast as possible. I have only been into the mines twice so far. Spent most of my time fishing and socialising when i wasn't planting up my fields. (I'm trying to woo Sebastian this time, since I've never married him before). Once i get my fishing skill to level 10 and buy my iridium rod (its currentlylevel 9), I'll start hunting the Legendary Fish, starting with the Crimson Fish. I managed to save up enough money in spring, to plant up 10 of each crop type this summer as well as buy 150 melons to grow, they should be ready tomorrow (13th of summer) and I'm expecting roughly 100k profit from them, which I'm going to use to start building my chicken coop. I was lucky enough to find a dinosaur egg in a treasure chest while fishing, but i decided to hold onto it instead of dontating it to the museum. Once I've built the coop, I'll hatch it, and once she's matured I'll donate one of her eggs to the museum. I've been sucking up to shane a fair bit, hoping to get my hands on some Blue chickens once i build my coop. Although i feel bad for using him, i love animals too much to not add a blue chicken to my coop. Marnie brought a beautiful little white cat to my door in the spring, which i decided to adopt and call Jade (since the cat looks like a princess 😆). I've been picking up a lot of gold ore while fishing and ive been recycling all the trash thats been attaching itself to my rod. So i decided to buy a few pieces of Iron ore from Clint, to start building my sprinklers. I have 6 so far, once i have a few more, I'll expand my field again. I plan on planting up another 200 melons when the first lot mature. I will probably go into the mines tomorrow once ive done the harvest. I'm aiming to finish my spriklers by the end of summer, so that I'm ready for fall. Pumpkin season is always very profitable for me and i want make the most of it by planting up as many Pumpkins as i can. I plan on spending a lot of time fishing in the river cone fall. I want to catch a few tiger fish and Salmon for cooking and to complete the community center.


I have a haunted mannequin on the outside of the farm house and I just saw that scary animation where it pops up in your screen, quite cool. But I needs to know if the mannequin can also move places when it is outside of the house because I don't want my decor ruined by having the little purple gremlin walking around.


Welp! I fear my days with stardew are over. My game crashes the instant I make 1g because my Total Earnings is 2,147,483,647g.
So that farm is basically unplayable, and I have no desire to start all over.

I got every item i could possibly get on my farm except a select few desert festival items, Junimo Kart Arcade System, and anything related to multi-player. Discovered Stardew Valley in March of last year, so it took 1 year.

Best $15 I ever spent :D


Welp! I fear my days with stardew are over. My game crashes the instant I make 1g because my Total Earnings is 2,147,483,647g.
So that farm is basically unplayable, and I have no desire to start all over.

I got every item i could possibly get on my farm except a select few desert festival items, Junimo Kart Arcade System, and anything related to multi-player. Discovered Stardew Valley in March of last year, so it took 1 year.

Best $15 I ever spent :D
You actually overflowed the earnings? 😆 Sorry I feel bad for laughing but that's impressive. :thumbsup:

You might be able to edit your save file to change the money to get it working again, if you want to.
I started a new farm on the Standard Farm last week, and im currently on 12th of summer in year 1. I've mostly focused on expanding my fields. I made almost 70k profit in Spring and managed to buy my Apple and Pomegranate Trees around the 20th of spring, to plant up ready for Fall so that i can complete the community center as fast as possible. I have only been into the mines twice so far. Spent most of my time fishing and socialising when i wasn't planting up my fields. (I'm trying to woo Sebastian this time, since I've never married him before). Once i get my fishing skill to level 10 and buy my iridium rod (its currentlylevel 9), I'll start hunting the Legendary Fish, starting with the Crimson Fish. I managed to save up enough money in spring, to plant up 10 of each crop type this summer as well as buy 150 melons to grow, they should be ready tomorrow (13th of summer) and I'm expecting roughly 100k profit from them, which I'm going to use to start building my chicken coop. I was lucky enough to find a dinosaur egg in a treasure chest while fishing, but i decided to hold onto it instead of dontating it to the museum. Once I've built the coop, I'll hatch it, and once she's matured I'll donate one of her eggs to the museum. I've been sucking up to shane a fair bit, hoping to get my hands on some Blue chickens once i build my coop. Although i feel bad for using him, i love animals too much to not add a blue chicken to my coop. Marnie brought a beautiful little white cat to my door in the spring, which i decided to adopt and call Jade (since the cat looks like a princess 😆). I've been picking up a lot of gold ore while fishing and ive been recycling all the trash thats been attaching itself to my rod. So i decided to buy a few pieces of Iron ore from Clint, to start building my sprinklers. I have 6 so far, once i have a few more, I'll expand my field again. I plan on planting up another 200 melons when the first lot mature. I will probably go into the mines tomorrow once ive done the harvest. I'm aiming to finish my spriklers by the end of summer, so that I'm ready for fall. Pumpkin season is always very profitable for me and i want make the most of it by planting up as many Pumpkins as i can. I plan on spending a lot of time fishing in the river cone fall. I want to catch a few tiger fish and Salmon for cooking and to complete the community center.


I pulled a classic Stardew Valley blunder and I accidentally placed down a bomb that blew up all of my junk. I don't even know what I lost, and I never will, because it was already so late in my in-game day and I made so much progress that I just.... Went to sleep-

I finished the Mr. Oi Bean challenge for the first time. I was getting kinda stressed as the days kept counting down, but I managed to finish it. Even got this swanky hat.

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(Excuse my cat at the bottom there-)

Finally, I asked out the Wizard (Thanks to the mod 'Stardew Valley Expanded') he said yes... and... I... I might break up with him and date Shane though- :shane:

Lew Zealand

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Did a lil Fishing and Bobbi caught her first
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Quadropus? She only counted 4 legs there, maybe the other 4 were sheepishly tucked into it's pockets but it having only 4 legs does explain being able to catch it.


Bobbi had a 'just us ladies' chat with Caroline though she insisted the fruit boat guy was listening in on their convo. But look, Bobbi insists, he's even looking the other way, totally being discreet. Bobbi tried to convince Caroline to visit the Mermaid show with her ("We should support local entrepreneurial businesswomen!") but she turned rather a bright magenta color, stammering about needing to make some last minute Winter Star purchases as she slid away, seemingly embarassed. Nevertheless, a few minutes later Bobbi caught Caroline glancing her way as Bobbi entered the Mermaid Show perhaps just a bit more slowly and deliberately than usual, looking back to see if any villagers with particular hair color were watching. Bobbi smiled as she closed the door, thinking maybe next year...


Your hair fits right in Caroline, I don't think Emily is the only...

Left pondering the twists and turns of life, later on Bobbi lost track of time during the Deep Sea Fishing expedition, desperately waving her stick of emergency locomotion at 1:50am and passed out with a loud fhwump! right next to the bed. An awakened Emily dragged her in and rather had a bit of fun with Bobbi the next morning.

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"...considering I had to roll you in!"

"mmm it'sh all muscle, Emms," a groggy Bobbi insisted, attempting a pose. "And muscle gets cold like super quickly so I need this medically prescribed layer of fat to maintain the delicate balance of my bodily humors." She pointed around all her soft areas. Which were all the areas. "It's science, real hi-tech Zuzu City stuff."

"Oh?" Emily questioned nonchalantly. "You use Zuzu as an excuse to cover your butt, too?" Her Cheshire Cat smile was hiding something which Bobbi found out later that day.
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THAT'S how it is, eh?


I go about modeling all those swimsuits we're making in the shop last summer and the only way to get her sister to buy is tell her they're from Zuzu.


Bobbi looked at Leah and then at Haley and back at herself. Um, yeah.


OK fine that totally makes sense, I probably need to exercise some more. And the best place for that is:

The Quarry Cave!
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Today's spoils:
2 Dark Swords
1 Bone Sword
2 Ruby Rings
1 Golden Box thingy
1 Artifact hat box thingy
1 Diiiiiiiamond

and second best: 1 Female Cursed Mannequin!

and bestest: A cute top.


Just racked up 32 golden tags during the trout derby. New personal best! Also got a few nice bits of fishing chest loot on top.

The trout derby is really just an excuse for me to spend two days treasure hunting - not that I need an excuse. :toothy: Rainbow trout are fairly placid so I just take targeted bait and forgo +fishing in favour of +luck boosts, and two treasure bobbers.

Ten tags traded in for rewards, 22 in my keepsakes chest. Shiny... :dizzy: