Did a lil Fishing and Bobbi caught her first
Quadropus? She only counted 4 legs there, maybe the other 4 were sheepishly tucked into it's pockets but it having only 4 legs
does explain being able to catch it.
Bobbi had a 'just us ladies' chat with Caroline though she insisted the fruit boat guy was listening in on their convo. But look, Bobbi insists, he's even looking the other way, totally being discreet. Bobbi tried to convince Caroline to visit the Mermaid show with her ("We should support local entrepreneurial businesswomen!") but she turned rather a bright magenta color, stammering about needing to make some last minute Winter Star purchases as she slid away, seemingly embarassed. Nevertheless, a few minutes later Bobbi caught Caroline glancing her way as Bobbi entered the Mermaid Show perhaps just a bit more slowly and deliberately than usual, looking back to see if any villagers with particular hair color were watching. Bobbi smiled as she closed the door, thinking
maybe next year...
Your hair fits right in Caroline, I don't think Emily is the only...
Left pondering the twists and turns of life, later on Bobbi lost track of time during the Deep Sea Fishing expedition, desperately waving her stick of emergency locomotion at 1:50am and passed out with a loud
fhwump! right next to the bed. An awakened Emily dragged her in and rather had a bit of fun with Bobbi the next morning.
"...considering I had to roll you in!"
"mmm it'sh all muscle, Emms," a groggy Bobbi insisted, attempting a pose. "And muscle gets cold like super quickly so I need this medically prescribed layer of fat to maintain the delicate balance of my bodily humors." She pointed around all her soft areas. Which were all the areas. "It's science, real hi-tech Zuzu City stuff."
"Oh?" Emily questioned nonchalantly. "You use Zuzu as an excuse to cover your butt, too?" Her Cheshire Cat smile was hiding something which Bobbi found out later that day.
THAT'S how it is, eh?
I go about modeling all those swimsuits we're making in the shop last summer and the only way to get her sister to buy is tell her they're from
Bobbi looked at Leah and then at Haley and back at herself. Um, yeah.
OK fine that totally makes sense, I probably need to exercise some more. And the best place for that is:
The Quarry Cave!
Today's spoils:
2 Dark Swords
1 Bone Sword
2 Ruby Rings
1 Golden Box thingy
1 Artifact hat box thingy
1 Diiiiiiiamond
and second best: 1 Female Cursed Mannequin!
and bestest: A cute top.