What features would you want to see in "last update"?


Let's assume the last patch for the game wouldn't be a normal new content patch but a sort of maintenance/replayability patch. What features would you want to see in such a patch?

For me it would be things like:
  • option to use different sizes of some buildings (fish ponds, but also the size of the insides of the greenhouse, etc.)
  • remix the game focusing around selected skills (like fishing/foraging with much much less farming, improving some fishing/foraging drops?)
  • options to enable more features for farms when starting a new game (force a constant season on the farm, enable/disable special soil like the beach one, add some new ones like "forest soil" good for foraged plants and wild trees, etc., what fish and % are available on the farm, foraging spawns and %, starter pack)
  • option to reorder some content release timing (delay mines opening, put panning before mining, etc.), maybe disable some content for reasons, or disable prismatic shards that then disable the best weapons :)
  • option to start with a tent instead of a house (to then build a house, or buy a farm, build a house, while having a semi-mobile tent and no farm before; Linus mode).


1) More romance-able NPCs... (Sandy! Clint!)

2) Less illogical and abstract help quests. Some sentences are downright hilarious, out of context and make no sense at all (rub on knees x item, ask first season days for a crop which needs days to grow etc).

3) Trees on your farm to stop spreading seeds, if you surround them with flooring/walking path (my design doesn't include 2 or even 3 layers of the stuff, i need to construct 1 only).

4) Heavy Tappers to be sold for Qi gems. I do not even want to remember what hellish chinese farming sessions i went through, in order to equip one, on 140 trees!

5) All rare items (especially decorative ones), once acquired, to be sold from vendors/sources later (much like crystal chair and rarecrows). Similarly, clothes. In my previous save i trashed Work Boots, thinking i would find them again, due to lack of inventory space; it would be nice for Guild to sell them, post me acquiring them once...

6) Hoppers to not occupy one item spot, but be fused with the machine, exactly as enrichers/pressure nozzles do with sprinklers.

7) More gifts. 2 per week could be 1 per day.

Lew Zealand

Customizable Clothing and Hairstyles. 4 different Seasonal outfits for all Villagers. Ability to gift or sell seasonal clothing to Villagers and they'll wear it on occasion. Especially weather-related occasions like Penny wearing a warm coat when it's snowing or Seb wearing a parka on rainy days when he's out looking for frogs. The Clothing would be tagged for preferred season and weather conditions when you design it.


i want to see a exspansion of sorts for seeing and running a farm shop in zuzu city, I also think lewis should give us land so we can build our own store like in story of seasons ds, a farm store in ginger island and we can get a 3rd farm in the fern islands where our dear old dad and mom lives in a retirement bungalow, that would be awesome, also more % of fishing on all farm maps and less trash, not to mention taking all 8 and I mean 8 maps and making a super fusion farm map a ultimate farm map that would be awesome, I put in 700 hours so I always think how could this game get any better.