What did I miss and what did I get here?


I haven't played SV in a while and started a new game a few days ago. Now I'm in the first winter and found this thingy on my farm. (see screenshot)

I don't know when it appeared, saw it the first time in the first days of winter. If there was any event I must have missed it somehow. I have the meteorite and remember searching for it in the morning because there was the sound in the night.
I know it's not one of the mushrooms. I tried every tool on it, but it doesn't go away or break or what ever it could do.

I searched some in the internet, but since I have no clue what it is (sadly it's partly hidden behind the plants) I don't even know what to search.

Has anybody seen this and knows what it is?


Lew Zealand

It looks like a Mushroom Tree stump as that's what Mushroom Trees look like in Winter. You should be able to Axe it to remove it but IMO don't! Musthoom Trees are awesome and have a very Stardew vibe. Plus, imagine the size of the frogs that sit on those giant toadstools!

Hill Myna

@Lew Zealand is correct, there are two Mushroom Trees there, one fully grown one (currently a grey stump, because Winter) and one that's still growing (the top one).

I will say though, at first glance I thought it might have been a Ruby Gem Bird! 😂


Thanks for the answers.
Lew Zealand is correct on the 'what it is' and Hill Myna is correct on the number of them seen on the picture.
I crafted a tapper and placed it on the trunk of the big one and got mushrooms of it. It's a pity, that I can't see the top of the plant because of the surrounding forest. Now I plan to let seeds grow around a bit, to get one of the trees fully visible.


Thanks for the answers.
Lew Zealand is correct on the 'what it is' and Hill Myna is correct on the number of them seen on the picture.
I crafted a tapper and placed it on the trunk of the big one and got mushrooms of it. It's a pity, that I can't see the top of the plant because of the surrounding forest. Now I plan to let seeds grow around a bit, to get one of the trees fully visible.
Wait what you can put a tapper on it!?

When and how did this happen?
I never tried this - I need to try this.