Ah yes, I forgot. I only play in Survival mode as I'm not creative enough to play, well, in Creative mode. So everything I build is from materials generated in-game while playing. Hey, at least it's a
good excuse for why my builds are boring!
Anyhow, this one came from a low point when I was burnt out on MC, wandering aimlessly for a day or two and came across a small blob of stone topped with dirt sticking straight up from a high hanging valley. Having watched a few Sky Island videos, I decided to do the same from this sky peninsula and commenced building atop the blob, using what was left in my inventory from the wanderings and the few materials afforded by the blob.
My house is an apartment above one of the villager barracks on the other side of the Snowtel in the foreground. Some villagers have moved from the barracks into Snowtel. The house to the left of Snowtel is one of the kids' ones. Another one was ehm, demolished to make room for the Snowtel. Spleef Arena at far right, triple-decker mob farm behind it, small swimming pool + fishing area to the L of that. Next comes veggie patch and behind the Snowtel is Cow and Pig yard. You can see the one tree, and colored sheep pen next to Snowtel. There's a lower level under the main deck where the Nether Portal is and the villagers like to accumulate. It was a fun build to make over a few weeks!
And yes, I've fallen off a few times. And so take the opportunity to light up the land below to get the mob farm working better. Lemons, lemonade, that whole thing.