Windows Weird multiplayer problem: invite code system stops working



I played Stardew Valley for 600 hours without any problems and suddenly a couple weeks ago I encountered an error joining a multiplayer game and an error creating a multiplayer game.

When joining via code, I immediately get the message "Connection Filed".
When creating a game, I get the empty invite code window.

I tried to do everything in this guide , nothing helped.

It is strange that a common error is that the buttons "Enter Invite Code..." or "Show Invite Code" do not appear at all. For me, it appears, but obviously does not work correctly.
In the DisconnectLogs and ErrorLogs folders in %appdata% no new entries appear, as if everything is working fine.

The only method left to join is through Steam friends list.
But when I'm trying to join via Steam, it says that my saved character on another person's server does not belong to me.

I managed to do a little investigation, which still allows you to continue playing on an old save, if someone got into the same situation as me (which seems unlikely).
In the savefile, you should correct your character <userID> - change it from an 18-digit number to 0.
1) Locate savefile and make backup just in case.
2) Open savefile with text editor (I used Notepad++).
3) Search for string <userID>(some 18-digit number, which is unique for your account)</userID> . Do not touch string "<userID />" — it is for host's character.
4) Replace it with <userID>0</userID>.

After that I was able to continue to play as my old character on the another person's server in this fixed save.

Sorry for my English, i'm not native speaker