Wallpaper, flooring, pathways not working?


Opened stardew recently and for whatever reason, I cannot place wallpaper, flooring, or pathways of any kind. I did switch around a few mods today, but I did that after discovering that glitch. (I actually did it because of that. After restarting the game etc my first troubleshooting plan was to check the log parser, and I did have a few mods that needed updating. Every time I update mods I switch them around a bit or add one more or something lol)
Attaching my SMAPI log, I am aware that other issues will show up and those are not things I'm worried about rn. The wallpaper errors that do show up are because I thought maybe it might have to do with the wallpaper mod I had being not compatible with 1.6 and so I switched that out to a different one. The save I loaded though had a few placed wallpapers from the old mod, and those are the ones it can't load. I think that would probably fix itself if I was able to place new wallpaper.

I do currently also have a few mods that haven't been updated to 1.6, and I'm just kinda wondering if maybe the issue is with one of them?

The thing is like. This started happening on its own, between me closing stardew one day and opening it like a little over a week later. Which makes it tricky for me, because I can't pinpoint the exact issue and if my log has the answer I can't find it.

Let me know if anyone has any thoughts on this, even if it's just sort of general troubleshooting. I'm kinda postponing playing the game until I can get this fixed because of the current things I'm working on in-game so it'd be great to know what I could do.

May not respond to this for the next week as I'm going to be working at a camp and won't have my computer on me, but thank you so much if you have any advice!!


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Little update... I manually went through all the mods I have downloaded like removed them one by one and still didn't find the problem so I temporarily removed all of them and started a new save... problem persisted. Just uninstalled & reinstalled stardew valley, as well as restarting & updating my computer, and updating steam. I'm really confused because if it's still happening in a fully non-modded game that makes me think the issue isn't with the mods... but if this was an issue with the game I wouldn't be the only one posting about it you know? Especially since this has now been an issue for me for weeks.

So. I'm not sure at all what to do. I'll update I guess if I ever figure this out lmao..


Sorry for bringing this back up, but I figured out more around what the issue is!
I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but it's something to do with SMAPI. When I try this without SMAPI installed, it works perfectly. So. Not sure what to do if I want to keep playing with mods. Is no one else having this issue with SMAPI?? I'm using 4.0.8 and haven't had an issue with it at all previously so. No idea what's going on.
I don't know enough about coding to even begin to try and figure out what the issue might be more specifically by going through the files. I'm gonna keep fiddling around when I have time and see if I can fix it, but please anyone let me know if you have any insight!!