Issue Unknown error after updating mods (Windows 10)


Anyone know what this error is? I updated all of my mods the other day (the dialogue expansion updated today so I have yet to deal with that) and now I'm getting this error. I don't know much about code, and I've been dealing with other mod issues so I haven't ventured off of my farm and I haven't noticed anything, but I'd like to deal with this before I do notice.

An error occurred in the overridden draw loop: ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'texture')
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch.CheckValid_PatchedBy<SMAPI.ErrorHandler>(SpriteBatch this, Texture2D texture)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteBatch.Draw_PatchedBy<spacechase0.ContentPatcherAnimations__spacechase0.DynamicGameAssets__spacechase0.SpaceCore>(SpriteBatch this, Texture2D texture, Rectangle destinationRectangle, Nullable`1 sourceRectangle, Color color, Single rotation, Vector2 origin, SpriteEffects effects, Single layerDepth)
at WallPlanter.ModEntry.DrawIndoorPot(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Texture2D texture, Rectangle destinationRectangle, Nullable`1 sourceRectangle, Color color, Single rotation, Vector2 origin, SpriteEffects effects, Single layerDepth, IndoorPot pot) in C:\Users\poiqwe\source\repos\StardewValleyMods\WallPlanter\CodePatches.cs:line 119
at StardewValley.Objects.IndoorPot.draw_PatchedBy<aedenthorn.ConnectedGardenPots__aedenthorn.WallPlanter__PeacefulEnd.AlternativeTextures>(IndoorPot this, SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Int32 x, Int32 y, Single alpha) at StardewValley.GameLocation.draw(SpriteBatch b)
at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SGame.DrawImpl(GameTime gameTime, RenderTarget2D target_screen) in SMAPI\Framework\SGame.cs:line 617

at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.SGame._draw(GameTime gameTime, RenderTarget2D target_screen) in SMAPI\Framework\SGame.cs:line 209

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