Linux Unexpected interaction between isTilePassable and MakeMapModifications in IslandSouthEast


In Island_SE.tmx the tile indices 35 and 67 in tilesheet island_tilesheet_2.png (the wood boards at the entrance to the cave) are given the property:
<property name="Passable" type="string" value="T" />
Tile index 35 is used at (29, 18) and (30, 18) while 67 is at (29, 19) and (30, 19).
However, when the pirates are present, MakeMapModifications in IslandSouthEast.cs changes the tile index for these tiles to 36, 99, 68, and 131, respectively and sets the tile property using, for example:
base.setTileProperty(29, 18, "Buildings", "Passable", "T");
However these indices do not have the Passable property T.
Since IsTilePassable in GameLocation.cs checks tile index properties and not tile properties, these four tiles are failing the IsTilePassable check.

A fix would simply change those tile index properties in the .tmx to have Passable.

In the attached screenshot, the four tiles concerned are the 2x2 of flat wood boards in front of my player.

