PlayStation Unable to delete old save games


Pretty much as it says. Click on delete in the load game menu, back out of the menu, and the 'deleted' game appears. Issue began in 1.6.

Current Version: 1.65
PS5 (Seen reports on XBox about the issue as well).

evergreen oak

I guess this still hasn't been addressed. I hoped one of the several patches would've caught it, but it seems they haven't. Well, they have a lot more work left to do so hopefully they fix it with an update eventually. We just need to keep reporting it until it is fixed

evergreen oak

If anyone can reproduce this can you capture it link me to some video of how you're triggering it?
I can't capture footage. As the above poster said, it has been an issue since the introduction of 1.6 in November 2024.
It is 100% reproducible.

If you delete a game save, it will seem to be gone. If you then back out of the "load" area of the menu, to the main menu, and select "load" again, the save will be there as if it hadn't been deleted. This happens with every single save regardless of how many saves you have.

It's like there's no way to actually delete save data on consoles, without deleting the entire game system data which wipes everything.

The in-game "delete" button doesn't function. Or it appears to work but doesn't actually delete the save data behind the scenes.


Console Developer
> It is 100% reproducible.

The problem we've had is it has not been 100% reproducible for us. We've had it occur 1 time in hundreds of attempts at it.

We are trying other things to help reproduce it, but seeing the subtleties of how your deleting saves and changing menus can maybe help us.

Even cell phone video of your TV could be helpful in recreating it.


Don’t know, how this is not reproducible. Simple as it is, the delete button doesn't work as it should.

As evergreen oak pointed out, if you push the delete button in the "load menu" the save is gone, but when you check out to the "main menu" and return to the "load menu" - or even quit the game and restart it - the save appears back from the void. There is nothing else, I'm and others are doing.

There are plenty of threads in this and other forums about this issue - so it's not a singular issue. But maybe this thread can help in providing screenshots:


Don’t know, how this is not reproducible. Simple as it is, the delete button doesn't work as it should.
We're in the same boat here; we also don't know why it isn't consistently reproducible for us, that's why Tom is requesting for a video, in case there's something we're subtly doing differently.

Some bugs are like this; they seem very simple and happen consistently to a handful of users, but there's some specific nuance that isn't directly apparent (see: game freeze bug from eating while auto attacking on mobile, floating stables from repainting on mobile, or crash every single night on PC from an antivirus). It's hard to fix something when we can't test if it's been fixed.

We're not trying to discredit the idea that it happens; this is just one of those bugs where we're seemingly missing some key piece of info of how it happens. Perhaps some setting on the PlayStation that's different from what we have set up for testing, like console region, network settings, etc.

With that in mind, does this video seem to match everyone's experience with this?


I can't capture footage. As the above poster said, it has been an issue since the introduction of 1.6 in November 2024.
It is 100% reproducible.

If you delete a game save, it will seem to be gone. If you then back out of the "load" area of the menu, to the main menu, and select "load" again, the save will be there as if it hadn't been deleted. This happens with every single save regardless of how many saves you have.

It's like there's no way to actually delete save data on consoles, without deleting the entire game system data which wipes everything.

The in-game "delete" button doesn't function. Or it appears to work but doesn't actually delete the save data behind the scenes.
One thing to try, if you're available, since it's 100% consistent for you:

1. Make a new save
2. Sleep through a single day
3. Go back to the main menu, and head to the load game screen
4. Check that it's indeed Day 2 of Spring, Year 1
5. Try to delete the save, and go back to the main menu
6. Go back to the load game screen

If the save is still there after that, what date does it report?

Day 1 of Spring, Year 1
Day 2 of Spring, Year 1

I'm suspecting it could be an issue with the save auto recovery feature that was added prior to the 1.6 launch on console/mobile, so this info would be helpful to check.

Thanks for the patience y'all, and I'm sorry this issue is taking so unexpectedly long to fix.

evergreen oak

One thing to try, if you're available, since it's 100% consistent for you:

1. Make a new save
2. Sleep through a single day
3. Go back to the main menu, and head to the load game screen
4. Check that it's indeed Day 2 of Spring, Year 1
5. Try to delete the save, and go back to the main menu
6. Go back to the load game screen

If the save is still there after that, what date does it report?

Day 1 of Spring, Year 1
Day 2 of Spring, Year 1

I'm suspecting it could be an issue with the save auto recovery feature that was added prior to the 1.6 launch on console/mobile, so this info would be helpful to check

Thanks for the patience y'all, and I'm sorry this issue is taking so unexpectedly long to fix.
Thanks for your considerate responses! I'll give those steps a try when I can and report back as soon as I'm able. I'll try to find a way to get some footage too. We appreciate the work y'all are doing, it must be tough


With that in mind, does this video seem to match everyone's experience with this?
Yap, exactly this is happening.

One thing to try, if you're available, since it's 100% consistent for you:

1. Make a new save
2. Sleep through a single day
3. Go back to the main menu, and head to the load game screen
4. Check that it's indeed Day 2 of Spring, Year 1
5. Try to delete the save, and go back to the main menu
6. Go back to the load game screen

If the save is still there after that, what date does it report?

Day 1 of Spring, Year 1
Day 2 of Spring, Year 1
I followed your steps, but it doesn't matter witch day the save has - i even deleted a save from end of spring. The date of the recurring save is correct (Day 2 and Day 27 of Spring) but it appears again and again after deleting and re-entering the load menu.

We're not trying to discredit the idea that it happens; this is just one of those bugs where we're seemingly missing some key piece of info of how it happens. Perhaps some setting on the PlayStation that's different from what we have set up for testing, like console region, network settings, etc.
This could be an answer. I'm playing on PS 5 with German settings in Europe.

Thanks for the explanation and your efforts to fix the problem! Fighting bugs as a programmer seems to be harder than it is for a farmer in the mines.