WIP Two players in a single horse and carry other players around


I did get back to the game with my GF for1.6 with a from zero save. I was surprise how hard is to get a horse, how slow we walk and how the game doesn't have enough co-op mechanics.
While playing, I did thought it would be cool to be able to share a horse and carry other players around. So I started to dev this:


You can carry other players around and share a horse.
It is already working fine (with some points of polishing need), you can even carry people between maps.

Do you like the idea? I'm considering publishing this one
I would love to evolve this to car to move 5 players around (or maybe all 8 players with a clown car)

I could use some help with the know issues:
While moving between maps, there is a small flickers in the players with is taking the ride. Due the fact it need to receive the message from the player caring informing to warp. not sure how to solve this.

(I wish I could post a video to show it working in action, even the gifs are "too big" for upload system)