Solved Triggering an event (through SMAPI)?


For some reason the event where Evelyn gives her cookie recipe is not triggering (I often forget to visit houses, and I was already at 10 :hlevel: with George, Alex and Evelyn getting a bunch of house events in a row -- but not that one).
Hard to hunt error and I'm running umpteen mods.

I have a faint remembrance that it would be possible to give in the SMAPI console window a command to trigger an event (i.e. to tell it"it hasn't run yet), but no idea how that is done.


For some reason the event where Evelyn gives her cookie recipe is not triggering (I often forget to visit houses, and I was already at 10 :hlevel: with George, Alex and Evelyn getting a bunch of house events in a row -- but not that one).
Hard to hunt error and I'm running umpteen mods.

I have a faint remembrance that it would be possible to give in the SMAPI console window a command to trigger an event (i.e. to tell it"it hasn't run yet), but no idea how that is done.

You can try "debug ebi 19" without the quotation marks. It is strongly recommended to make a backup of your save file first.
Perhaps the event happened but you didn't get the cookie recipe? You can buy the cookie recipe from Gus.



You can try "debug ebi 19" without the quotation marks. It is strongly recommended to make a backup of your save file first.
Perhaps the event happened but you didn't get the cookie recipe? You can buy the cookie recipe from Gus.
I must check if I can get it from Gus. I just need te recipe, the event I've seen umpteen times. I'm sure I have not seen the event during this playthrough. And I was definitely waiting for it to appear when I got 4 or five events in a row entering the house.


I must check if I can get it from Gus. I just need te recipe, the event I've seen umpteen times. I'm sure I have not seen the event during this playthrough. And I was definitely waiting for it to appear when I got 4 or five events in a row entering the house.
Alright, well at least now you can try the code, or buy the recipe from Gus.

Please let me know if you have resolved the issue so that this thread can be marked as solved.
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The recipe was not available from Gus. Actually I tried twice, as Gus was on Ginger Island and I checked whether that has any relevance. I'll try the debug code as soon as I reach the next savepoint.


The code worked. Hope I did not mess something else by calling it immediately at the start of a day while I was in GI (getting teleported to Evelyn's kitchen...).