Mac Transfered iphone file won't open


Heyyyyy, so I have been playing Stardew on my phone for a while (version 1.5, of course). I just got it on Steam, though, and wanted to transfer my mobile game as it has 200+ hours of progress on it. So I went through the steps outlined on other pages, i.e., going to the files app and airdropping the files from there to my Mac, then putting them into the game's saves folder. And yet, whenever I try to open the save, it crashes. I started another save on Steam, and that one's working just fine. I would love to resolve this because I don't want to lose all that progress. Is it something about the 1.5 to 1.6 conversion?


hey i just transferred from iphone to macbook- i turned cloud save off in steam before moving files. click on stardew in steam > settings > properties > disable steam cloud file save. might help


hey i just transferred from iphone to macbook- i turned cloud save off in steam before moving files. click on stardew in steam > settings > properties > disable steam cloud file save. might help
Unfortunately did not work for me but thanks for the suggestion anyway!