Switch Too much garbage


Minor issue, but I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to get 64 broken CDs from checking a single crab pot one time. I was wondering if there was an issue because I suddenly received 140 pieces of driftwood a few days ago. That led me to keep a closer eye on the crab pots. Crab pot in question is in the water right outside the pelican town mine. Spring 14 yr 3, community centre complete.


I encountered a similar bug just now. I play version on Nintendo Switch. Just a few minutes ago, I got 999 pieces of driftwood from a singular crab pot. It was placed in the river just below Mayor Lewis’ house to the right of the stone bridge connecting to the beach.


This is a known bug, according to the version history notes it's patched on PC, so it's just a waiting game of when the fix will get to the Switch. For what it's worth I've noticed that it's triggered by trying to collect from a crab pot with a full inventory, once you come back to it with room in your inventory there's a chance it'll give you an unusual number of whatever was in the pot. When I made that connection I went back and tested to be sure and let's just say I have consistently ended up with stacks of 999 (or 256, or 128, or 64) crabs, lobsters, mussels, etc.

(and also a similar amount of trash, I had to devote a shed to hold all the recycling machines to process all the trash lol.)