Creator Response Tiller Profession Upgrade: per item?


In our second play through I got the tiller profession upgrade which reads "crops generate +2 gold when you sell them." Does this apply per item sold? Or just an additional 2 gold total?

The reason I ask is because with me with an iron watering can and a friend with an iron hoe if its 2g per item it quickly becomes almost game-breaking in the amount of gold earned.


I would indeed interpret it as +2 per item. That does indeed mean you are going to be extremely rich. However i wouldn't call it game breaking, since no amount of money is gonna buy you the fish you need to complete your bundle. You invested a lot into your hoe and watering can, meaning that you are less good at fishing or mining and consequently on average you need to put in more actions towards those goals. Like the game states "actions are your most valuable resource".


Board Game Designer
Staff member
Yes it is +2 per item sold. True you can make a lot of gold! But Blauwfuur is right, gold might not be what you need to win the game, although it's fun to see how much gold you can get. Perhaps a fun variant would be, your "score" is equal to how much gold you have when you win!