This is bugging the heck out of me … assistance please and thank you? ^^;;


I was in the process of working on a piece that explains cause and effect of controversial/sensitive topics (ie: drug/alcohol addiction and abuse for example). There’s another terminology about such topics, and just as I was about to type in that term, my brain decided to shut down and reboot. Now, I cannot recall that term/word for the life of me, and it’s starting to majorly bug the heck out of me! -_-;

My attempts to ascertain what that specific term I was going to use is, have all been futile (I know I’ll know it if/when I read or hear it).
- Attempted Google search, but none of the results are what I’m after (such as alarming, taboo, contentious, unsavoury, and uncouth).
- Asked a couple of my family members and friends, and the same result as the above mentioned … nada.

So, I’ve turned to here in hopes that someone else might know it, since I'm stuck and at a complete loss. Please and thank you for any assistance and suggested words/terms. ^^;;

Side note;; I’m aware there are other terms I can use, but it’s now just the principle of the matter that’s bugging me. As a result, I know it’s going to be one of those deals where it’s just going to keep bugging me until I’m able to recall what it is/someone tells me what it is. XD;;

Second side note;; I believe it’s okay for me to post this inquiry? Sincerest apologies if not. ^^;;

Lew Zealand

Your brain gave you a headfake, palmed the ball, rotated around you and is driving for the hoop while you're left wondering WTH just happened.

One thing I've found in these situations is to some back to it later, etc. you know, all that junk you typically hear, but there is another Skywalker...

You have to make the word. A new word. I try this all the time and sometimes it works and the rest of the time this new horrible mangled wreck of English is summarily forgotten by all and sundry.

Which means it feels like I succeed every time!

Now that you're distracted, what was that word again?
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A polemic confab betwixt pettifoggers?
So not helping XD

Well, you helped in the sense that your posts amused me and me laughed, but ja.

Side note;; I misread ‘pettifoggers’ initially, and had to re-read …which I don’t know why I had misread it as something else either lol. ((Due to what I misread it as being something that is not a PG13 appropriate word, I am not permitted to type what I misread it as))

Second side note;; for some reason, this still occurs that whenever I read your name, my brain automatically goes to read it as ‘Zelda’.

Lew Zealand

So not helping XD

Well, you helped in the sense that your posts amused me and me laughed, but ja.

Side note;; I misread ‘pettifoggers’ initially, and had to re-read …which I don’t know why I had misread it as something else either lol. ((Due to what I misread it as being something that is not a PG13 appropriate word, I am not permitted to type what I misread it as))

Second side note;; for some reason, this still occurs that whenever I read your name, my brain automatically goes to read it as ‘Zelda’.
Honestly I thought the word you were looking for was 'polemic' but being a professional annoying person I added the extra fluff...


Honestly I thought the word you were looking for was 'polemic' but being a professional annoying person I added the extra fluff...
lol I very much enjoyed that extra fluff.

But, unfortunately, that isn’t it the word either. Uhg. I had even double checked because I immediately recognized that word, but ja. Not it. This is still bugging the crap out of me. I am probably going to go with another word to use, but now I have this itch that not even a sharp prickly cactus can scratch.

factious is decent, too?
That is a lovely word. It has such an eloquent appeal to it. I wish that was the dang word that my brain decided shove off a edge of the world down into Davy Jones’s Locker would resurface.

And also … wha..? … how..? … what the bloody frak is this koolaid?


Uncomfortable conversation subject matter
Hot potato subject
Point of contention

On the subject, a great vlog series is “uncomfortable conversations with a black man”. It’s interesting to hear people with sometimes vastly diverging opinions n a subject that is quite delicate but relevant in the context of the US…


This is.... I don't even know, what to say about that.

Sorry I can't help with your word issue. I have many of my own.
I was staring at it for so long earlier, kept re-reading, trying to figure it out… and still nada. And usually, that site is reliable, but now I’m questioning things with that site …

No worries. I appreciate the efforts a lot. c: Issues are so much fun to deal with.

  • chemical reaction.
  • vicious circle.
  • causal nexus.
  • chain of circumstances.
  • concatenation of events.
  • domino effect.
  • powder train.
  • ripples in a pond.
Any of these perhaps help?
Unfortunately, no. ^^; I appreciate it though greatly, and those are good suggestions.

Uncomfortable conversation subject matter
Hot potato subject
Point of contention

On the subject, a great vlog series is “uncomfortable conversations with a black man”. It’s interesting to hear people with sometimes vastly diverging opinions n a subject that is quite delicate but relevant in the context of the US…
None of those are it unfortunately ^^; I appreciate it greatly though.
That’s my first time seeing ‘hot potato subject’. I like that. I’m going to jot that down to use at some point.

Also, I’ve actually never watched/listened to any vlog’s before (if a vlog is what I’m thinking?).


None of those are it unfortunately ^^; I appreciate it greatly though.
That’s my first time seeing ‘hot potato subject’. I like that. I’m going to jot that down to use at some point.

Also, I’ve actually never watched/listened to any vlog’s before (if a vlog is what I’m thinking?).
I like hot potato myself because it really gives a good “feel” for the subject at hand haha (drop it like a hot potato….)

Blogs can be interesting and a great way to gain information or perspectives while doing routine things (my husband likes to watch finance, health, or tech vlogs while doing the dishes for example!)


Polarizing issue
Disputable or I even saw “disputatious”
Divisive subject

Can you tell I’m having fun?? It’s like a scavenger hunt, but with words!!
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But is it really about controversy? Substance abuse seems more of a potential harm issue, where you want to discuss it carefully so as not to cause misunderstanding or use harmful stereotypes.
Not that I can think what the word is either.
I'm not going into specifics solely about substance addictions/abuse, but rather controversial/sensitive topics as a whole (the substance addiction/abuse is but one of the few examples), and their cause and effect on whether they're brought up, how/the way they can end up being approached, etc., and the impact such things on controversial/sensitive topics possess. I'm not taking a side/stance in the piece, but providing views from the different sides, and the causes and effects that they each can potentially possess (basically, a neutral narrative sorta deal). For example, what you mentioned is one side/view point in which to approach the topic of substance abuse, whereas someone else can argue against that from a different side/view point (ie: they feel that it's something that should never be discussed whatsoever, and should be avoided like the plague), and I'd be addressing both sides/views without interjecting what I feel is the correct and respectively not correct route (which, I agree with your stance, but I wouldn't be focusing on that and would focus on both perspectives unbiasedly). Not certain if my explanation of what I just typed makes sense or not. XD;;

At anyrate, the term I'm trying to recalls covers the broad spectrum of such types (controversial/sensitive/etc.) of topics.

I had to. just had to.
for frak sake ... you and @Lew Zealand ... I swear are trying to make this even more difficult for me. XD


nonono it's all in the name of being super super helpful lol. :toothy: I mean I do have ideas of what word you might be looking for like for reals.--- but I feel they will be no better that B.Bird signing his song.
… you’ll provide the song … but you won’t provide the potential ideas for what it could be … XD what the heck?

And ja, super super helpful. lol Super super helpful in getting a song stuck in my head I had forgot exists.


… you’ll provide the song … but you won’t provide the potential ideas for what it could be … XD what the heck?

And ja, super super helpful. lol Super super helpful in getting a song stuck in my head I had forgot exists.
the song is a portal to the word:smile: I had the thought that maybe you'll find the word in mediator terms. Or psychology terms. I did look trying to be even more helpful. As long as we keep chasing the doggo it shall keep running away. --there a brainy help.
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