The "Raising Animals" Quest Should Also Fulfill With a Barn


This is a minor quality of life suggestion pertaining to the "Raising Animals" quest. It challenges the player to build a coop, with some gold as a reward. However, what if the player wants to build a barn first? I think it should fulfill if you build a coop or a barn, especially so because this is the description of the quest: "Robin, the local carpenter, lives north of town. In exchange for raw materials and money, she'll construct new buildings on your farm. You'll need her to build a coop or barn so that you can raise animals." For some reason, even though it says "coop or barn" in the quest description, it only fulfills if the player builds a coop, with the objective reading, "build a coop."


Local Legend
I like it. The real idea behind it is basically "build a building that animals go in" so having the actual completion condition follow that idea makes sense.


Yeah, I always figured it's because coops are cheaper (gold and material-wise) than barns, as are chickens to cows. But if a player wants to build a barn or get cows first, they shouldn't be "penalized" by not fulfilling the quest.

Or, there could just be two separate quests - one for a coop and one for a barn. The barn quest could have a slightly bigger reward, since the cost to build it is greater.