Mac The game freezes when I use keyboard to control character


  1. Issue Explanation:
    1. General description: My game does not have MOD. For sometimes (not all times) I load the game. The whole game freezes when I try to control a character through keyboard, such as pressing WASD to move around, Tab to switch storage display, E to open menu, X & C to do actions etc.
    2. Example of moving a character: When I press WASD to move the character, the character may walk for a few second and then it freeze in spot. When it happens, the environmental animations freezes, and the game time freezes as well. It returns to normal a few seconds after I lift keyboard button, or after I keep pressing the button for a long time. When it returns to normal, the character may or may not flash a few units towards the direction I am moving. The background music is not interrupted when the game freezes.
    3. When it does not happen: When I use trackpad to do actions (equivalent keyboard actions of X & C), the issue does not happen at all. However, when I use keyboard, it happens every few seconds. It is very disrupting to the whole game experience. Very rarely, game works perfectly fine when I load the game.
    4. Difference of freezing duration: The severity of this issue grows across the time I run the game. For example, after a few seconds I load the game and start a day, the character only shutters (freeze for 0.3 seconds for example). but as I spend more time in the game, the the shuttering turns into freezing, and the freezing time gets longer and longer.
  2. Version Number: v1.6.14 build 24317
  3. Error Text: does not have file ErrorLogs.
    nina % cd ~/.config/StardewValley
    nina StardewValley % ls
    Saves default_options startup_preferences
  4. OS: macOS Sonoma
  5. Language: English
  6. Single-player
  7. Controller: keyboard & apple trackpad
  8. Relevant Info: I see many similar posts under Steam Discussion panel across time. So I assume my issue is not a single case, and this problem has not be attempted on yet.