the dehydrators are amazing

Cool! As long as you can produce enough Ancient Fruit to supply those dehydrators, you are making around 830g (1,162g with Artisan profession) for every Ancient Fruit. While an argument can be made that 1,650g (or 2,310g with Artisan profession) could be made with one Ancient Fruit by turning it into wine, the Oak Resin needed to make the Kegs can be very hard to come by.

Lew Zealand

I find the Dehydrators to be best for medium value crops as I have enough Kegs and Jars to accommodate my Ancient Fruit and Starfruit and those make more g per 'Fruit than the Dehydrator. I randomly plant Mixed Seeds at Ginger so I eventually end up with a big field half full of Pineapples and Blueberries, and the Blueberries are an especially great option for the Dehydrator. There is simply not enough time or g payback to Jar that many Blueberries.


OK. Fine. You win, time to come clean. I usually just sell the Blueberries straight and don't even use the Dehydrators as by the time I remember I should process them I have 4 or 5 stacks and yeah.

Nobody got time to process that, I'm designing a shop for Emily.
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Local Legend
Cool! As long as you can produce enough Ancient Fruit to supply those dehydrators, you are making around 830g (1,162g with Artisan profession) for every Ancient Fruit. While an argument can be made that 1,650g (or 2,310g with Artisan profession) could be made with one Ancient Fruit by turning it into wine, the Oak Resin needed to make the Kegs can be very hard to come by.
As well as their accessibility and processing speed, the cheaper to craft dehydrator can chew through crops at 35x the rate that a keg can, making them amazing when you're just starting processing

Honestly, they're something you can use all the way through the game, you don't need that much money for even perfection, you could go without bothering with kegging and making kegs for the (relatively) little use you'd get out of them in a regular perfection runthrough


i am loving the dehydrators, its amazing, i do 1 week of kegs for 103 wines and the rest I do dehydrating a week I pull up around a million a week in gold, however I wonder what the ancient fruit would run in jelly, or starfruit jelly too, lol
i am loving the dehydrators, its amazing, i do 1 week of kegs for 103 wines and the rest I do dehydrating a week I pull up around a million a week in gold, however I wonder what the ancient fruit would run in jelly, or starfruit jelly too, lol
Ancient Fruit Jelly would sell for 1150g per Jelly (1610g with Artisan Profession). Starfruit Jelly would be 1550g per Jelly (2170g with Artisan Profession). Jellies take 2.5 days to process. (By comparison, Wines take 6.25 days to process, whereas Dehydrators just take 1 day).

Whichever method you choose in depends on how quickly you need the money:
1. Selling the fruit as soon as you harvest it (especially directly to Pierre) gives you money the fastest.
2. With dehydrators, you have a relatively quick way to process Fruits 5 at a time per machine with the ability to make an extra 0.667% - 110% g per harvested fruit depending on the initial fruit's quality and if you have the Artisan Profession if you are willing to wait an extra day to sell them. (You actually LOSE money per fruit with Gold and Iridium quality fruit if you are a Tiller but NOT an Artisan).
3. With Jellies, you are only able to process one at a time per Preserves Jar, and the waiting time is 2.5 days to make 100% or 140% (as an Artisan) more per normal quality fruit.
4. With Wine, you are only able to process one at a time per Keg, and the waiting time is 6.25 days to make 200% or 280% (as an Artisan) more per normal quality fruit.

As one can see, Wine gives by far the best profit margin per unit harvest if the farmer has the time (and the equipment) to wait for it all to process.

Also, if dealing with large numbers of them, then collecting each individual Jelly or Wine and putting a new fruit into each and every machine can be a chore in itself!

Dehydrators have become quite the favorite of some players as they provided a form of "middle ground" between options 1 & 3 discussed above.


Well i do my weekly harvest of ancient fruit in the green house and ginger island, I then put some of the fruit into the dehydrators and hold back 103 for the kegs, then I rinse and repeat, however I currently have 79 dehydrators, so 103 wines bring in $237k and the 79 dehydrators bring in $473k per week, so not bad at all,
I use the dehydrators for nearly all mushrooms and standard grade berry overflow. Plus some of the new quests, of course. Dyhydrators combined with mushroom logs and mushroom trees make a nice addition to the farm.


true but you need to work 5 levels at a time in the mine to get to floor 80 just for fire quartz to make the dehydrators, lol
It's not that hard, you can reach gold ore and fire quartz rather quickly in spring. If you want to make big money in summer wherever from raw crops or dehydrated that means a lot of quality sprinklers so a lot of gold as well so a lot of time in the mines.

And you can do more than 5 floors per day in the mines, especially when you pick lucky days to go there.


true im just saying with watering crops and so forth I usually get about 5 to 10 floors a day however lately bad days mean no fire quartz on those days.


true im just saying with watering crops and so forth I usually get about 5 to 10 floors a day however lately bad days mean no fire quartz on those days.
Spring is to start quality sprinklers, summer to have desired field under them with no manual watering, and after that processing can kick in. Selling large batch of raw crops is better than few dried fruits.


i never thought of it as that way but I do like all automated so I don't have to water however I don't like to bother till end game with animals as its just a pain to run in there and pet them all, lol I want to fish or go to the mines or do the missions the town folk ask me to do, lol


i never thought of it as that way but I do like all automated so I don't have to water however I don't like to bother till end game with animals as its just a pain to run in there and pet them all, lol I want to fish or go to the mines or do the missions the town folk ask me to do, lol
Quality sprinklers are the way. Simple and likely the quickest.

For mushroom logs
  • collect pine cones during spring
  • upgrade your axe and start collecting hardwood (forest farm for the win)
  • use save game predictor to check when green rain will hit in summer (or just check weather each day)
  • plant a pine forest - a grid of trees, 4 tree wide and as long as you want - the more logs the longer it has to be
  • when green rain will happen be ready with scythe and a bit of axe - go hard on all weeds on farm, in the forest and wherever you still get time to. Cut few new-type trees for their seeds.
Green rain weeds give around 300-350 moss so 30-35 logs. You then place them in a line inside the 4-tree wide pine forest (green rain bumps their growth as well) and "done" - each log will react to any mature tree 3 tiles in each direction so for 4-wide forest it's 2 trees from each side - optimal. The logs should start producing Chantarelles which as best until mystic trees forcing purple mushrooms. You can sell them directly or dehydrate. each log gives 5 mushrooms so 30 logs every 4 days would be handled by ~10 dehydrators which could happen mid summer.

If you have the green rain tree seeds you can plant them around wild trees like your pine trees - they increase the chance moss will grow on trees - and that increases shroom quality or can be used to craft more logs. Iridium mushrooms are a quick sell instead of processing.

If you use automate mod it can autoharvest mushrooms and moss and then automate dehydrators. A forest long enough for 30 logs should produce up to 30-40 moss every 4-5 days in spring, fall, less in summer with some help from the mossy green rain trees.

For green tea
Secondary plant would be tea saplings that then you can plant and sell leaves and much later on make green tea. You have to 2-heart Caroline which is easy to do. In sprig you have to plant and harvest spring wild seeds few times to get 150-250+ of those seeds to then mass craft the saplings (uses A LOT of wood and fiber). Then spam plan them and done. Without automate mod you have to plant them in lines you can access while with the mod you can have a big blob of them and it will auto-harvest all leaves, even those you can't reach.

Kegs are needed to make green tea, and it takes 3h so automate mod is recommended or you will have to babysit the kegs. leaves can be sold as well. Green tea bushes can also be used as fences for coops and barns animals.

Quality Sprinklers
Get as many as you can make, like 20-40 for summer, plant multi-harvest crop and done (with few of other for quests and gifts). Then craft more sprinklers and crops volume while selling raw for at least first year.

You could opt for a mod that makes the greenhouse HUGE so you can dump like 100 quality sprinklers there, plant once and just harvest every X-days. First year you could start coffee bean production, ancient fruit seed maker multiplication etc. Some like the hops + kegs for pale ale.