Switch Switch split screen


Is anyone else experiencing major lag in the game? Me and my girlfriend love Stardew and ever since the 1.6 update our game is essentially un playable the crashing is bad enough but can be dealt with but our major issue is the fact the game is lagging really bad for example our characters will either be frozen or constantly moving in a position the same goes for when we’re in chest or our inventory sometimes we can’t even swing our swords and just get beaten to death by mobs when fishing our bar will just shoot up and stay there. Is anyone else experiencing this? I really appreciate CA trying to give us new content but he should’ve never released it if it just causes the game to act like this and then barely does anything to fix it.
My husband and I have been playing Switch split screen for a week while I recover from a medical thing. We have noticed it will crash upon saving at the end of the day a few times. We lost some really good items like this. I also notice the screen freezes and jumps for a second regularly. I do not experience the constant freezing that you describe. Would really like this fixed, we lost a DINOSAUR EGG wah.

Other issue I am having is can't pick crops by holding the button down and running along like you can on PC, I have to individually line up each square. Can't place items accurately, they seem to jump around a bit. Also combat in the mines, difficult with a bit of a delay when changing direction.