Switch Switch Split Screen OLED v1.6


Hello 👋🏻

My partner and I have become very passionate about our split screen SDV farm.

We use Switch OLED with hand held controllers v1.6 of the update (latest). The switch is docked and plugged into an older model LG flat screen tv which is about 15 yrs old lol.

When we are both doing dynamic activities or screen is loading from one area to the other while other is farming/mining/fishing etc. We get crashes.

The most specific circumstances for crashes occuring have been in the scull cavern mines, when using bombs.

Sometimes when player 1 enters a new level of the mines scull cavern or volcano the screen leaves laggy sort of swipes from movements and items freeze on the screen.

Also if fishing and mining on either screen can cause a crash.

Can also crash if both players have gone to bed and one has not pressed ok after reviewing days profits.

Has been happening since the last two updates.

Have checked for corrupted data and redownloaded the game but issue persists.

Is perhaps the switch not powerful or spec'd enough for a game originally designed for PC?

Hmm? 🤔
