Suggestion for apples

Every fruit added to the kegs results in wine. Oranges, apples, grapes, cranberries, pineapples... Apparently, fruit juice does not exist in the world of Starew Valley. I thnk a juicer would be a nice addition, but it would probably be a lot of work for CA. Especially since wine will undoubtedly be worth more, thus resulting in the juicer being used by less by players. Look at how many people complain about whether the dehydrators are worth it or not.


This reminds me of Pam desiring vodka and asking us to put potatoes in kegs... Well in stardew, all "vegetable" class items, produce exclusively juice, so she gets some godawful tasting, "potato juice", instead of her premium vodka (bleargh)!

Methinks the fruits producing wine is just okay, since most rural households make their own, homemade liquors from fruit (pomegranate, cherry and cranberry especially, taste otherwordly)! Although they are being made inside glass jars, with sugar fermentation, some aromatics, one or two spices like cinnamon, etc.

I always wanted to learn making those, but on a pro level. One of the reasons i am eyeing over at "bartending" classes from certain seedy schools, is because they teach that, among other things!


Local Legend
This reminds me of Pam desiring vodka and asking us to put potatoes in kegs... Well in stardew, all "vegetable" class items, produce exclusively juice, so she gets some godawful tasting, "potato juice", instead of her premium vodka (bleargh)!

Methinks the fruits producing wine is just okay, since most rural households make their own, homemade liquors from fruit (pomegranate, cherry and cranberry especially, taste otherwordly)! Although they are being made inside glass jars, with sugar fermentation, some aromatics, one or two spices like cinnamon, etc.

I always wanted to learn making those, but on a pro level. One of the reasons i am eyeing over at "bartending" classes from certain seedy schools, is because they teach that, among other things!
I thought it was hilarious, I laughed my first time playing 1.5 and getting the orders board just to see Pam and her apt request
Every fruit added to the kegs results in wine. Oranges, apples, grapes, cranberries, pineapples... Apparently, fruit juice does not exist in the world of Starew Valley. I thnk a juicer would be a nice addition, but it would probably be a lot of work for CA. Especially since wine will undoubtedly be worth more, thus resulting in the juicer being used by less by players. Look at how many people complain about whether the dehydrators are worth it or not.
I do sometimes wish for a nice glass of Orange Juice or Grape Juice too. I agree with you on the fact that Fruit Juice will likely not even come close to being worth as much as Wine. If Juicers were to be introduced into the game, then there would need to be other incentives to make Fruit Juice. Fruit Juice would not take anywhere close to the amount of time it takes to make Wine. Perhaps many NPCs might view Fruit Juice as a favorable gift, especially those with just 1 or 2 Loved Gifts outside of the Universal Loves (Alex, Pierre, Kent). Or maybe a "Juice Trader" who trades very rare and valuable items will only accept Fruit Juice as "payment" for them.


I can’t bring myself to using kegs in this town seeing their direct impact on so many families and individual lives suffering from alcoholism. It seems half of Pelican town is drowning their sorrows in liquor. It needs a therapist not a saloon really. 🫶


I can’t bring myself to using kegs in this town seeing their direct impact on so many families and individual lives suffering from alcoholism. It seems half of Pelican town is drowning their sorrows in liquor. It needs a therapist not a saloon really. 🫶
I think stuff shipped goes to Zuzu city, and stuff sold to Pierre stays in town. The only time someone spoke to me about the quality of my kegged goods was Sebastian on some new Ancient Fruit wine I'd sold to Pierre.


I can’t bring myself to using kegs in this town seeing their direct impact on so many families and individual lives suffering from alcoholism. It seems half of Pelican town is drowning their sorrows in liquor. It needs a therapist not a saloon really. 🫶
Even monasteries make wine and sell batches of the stuff. Drinking in moderation, especially red wine, has a number of health benefits. One does not drink in order to get smashed, but to enjoy the small pleasures of life, celebrate on the occasion, drink socially, accompany food most importantly (certain types of wine are recommended with certain types of food), etc.

I myself, always drink Chianthi, with high quality roasted meat.


Even monasteries make wine and sell batches of the stuff. Drinking in moderation, especially red wine, has a number of health benefits. One does not drink in order to get smashed, but to enjoy the small pleasures of life, celebrate on the occasion, drink socially, accompany food most importantly (certain types of wine are recommended with certain types of food), etc.

I myself, always drink Chianthi, with high quality roasted meat.
I understand totally. Im not against liquor in moderation at all. It’s just I don’t want to supply locally and hurt those I’ve come to know personally in a small town like Stardew. Some bartenders are responsible in serving alcohol, some not so much. Gus seems to give Pam and Shane (and a few others with mods) a pretty endless supply. He’s a nice man, but not the best at cutting people off sooner. I just don’t want my wine to go there.
I do sometimes wish for a nice glass of Orange Juice or Grape Juice too. I agree with you on the fact that Fruit Juice will likely not even come close to being worth as much as Wine. If Juicers were to be introduced into the game, then there would need to be other incentives to make Fruit Juice. Fruit Juice would not take anywhere close to the amount of time it takes to make Wine. Perhaps many NPCs might view Fruit Juice as a favorable gift, especially those with just 1 or 2 Loved Gifts outside of the Universal Loves (Alex, Pierre, Kent). Or maybe a "Juice Trader" who trades very rare and valuable items will only accept Fruit Juice as "payment" for them.
I like your ideas! Alex could enjoy a glass of orange juice with his complete breakfast. Willy could favor grape juoce to keep his heart healthy. And they could be a good early game gift for Vincient (I give that kid so many snails). ^_^

Juices could also give more health than other beverages and perhaps another benefit to compliment foods. That would make them more useful than wine while being less valuable.