Suggestion for adding language (Thai)


Dear ConcernedApe and Chucklefish Games,

We are writing to suggest to add Thai language to the mobile version of Stardew Valley for iOS and Android. As modding is not possible on the mobile version, we suggest that you consider working with modders who have already created Thai language mods for the PC version of the game. I believe that the modders will be willing to support you in adding their mods to the mobile version for free (as they do it for the game they love), which would greatly enhance the gaming experience for Thai players.

We also believe that the popularity of Stardew Valley has spread around the world, and that there are many players who speak languages other than English. Adding support for more languages to the mobile version of the game would help to make it more accessible and enjoyable for a wider players.

Thank you for considering our suggestion as you continue to update and improve the game.



Staff member
It would definitely be good to see more languages added to the game!

I did want to note that Chucklefish is no longer handling the publishing for mobile, although the did more many years, ConcernedApe is now doing that himself. And I would imagine if more language support is added in the future, it would likely be made available on all platforms!