Suckered Hoodwinked Connived Manipulated Swindled*

Lew Zealand

Hooked. I got hooked.

I mean I was already hooked years ago the first time so there was a reasonable chance I'd get re-hooked but maybe you think you're smarter now. Nope, won't get fooled again. I even knew what I was getting myself into, it's not like any of it was a surprise. It's been around for a while now, there's videos and everything. But you know... I mean can you really understand something unless you do it yourself?

Oh. Yeah, I'll explain.

So there's this game that can hook people. Stardew is one of those but that's not it this time. Instead it's Ark. I've mentioned my weakness for Ark in the past, that I return to it like that ex you just can't seem to quit, but this time they've been spending time at the gym. Ark Survival Ascended is the old Ark redone in a new game engine to look all pretty and stuff while it transforms your formerly cool running computer into an incendiary device. It's been out for like 10 months now and went on a decent sale so I figured what the heck, I'll buy it.

Played it a bunch. 23.5 hours since Friday, heh oops.


Those bastards.

They put baby dinos and kangaroos and jerboas in the game and if the parent gets killed by the munchabunch dinos and the bebe somehow survives then...

You can claim them and raise them, even if it's an ugly and useless morellatops (fake camelsaurus). But I can't just let those raptors nearby eat the babymorellatopseses. And I'm riding my kangaroo (super awesome) which will get it's butt kicked if I fight the raptors. But I can sneak close and imprint the babies and then go home with them.

What? No, you can't carry them and neither can the kangaroo, that would be too easy. I have to escort them home. Walking verrry sloooowww baby animals over the map, keeping them safe by avoidance or combat if needed. Just a little nerve-wracking. But now I have too many dinos, waayyy more than I ever had in the old game and some I've never had, like the kangaroo (yay!) and even the just awful thieving universally-hated rat dino pegomastax.

Because I got it as an orphan baby. I couldn't just leave it there.

This stupid idiot game hit me in the feels and now I gotta save the babies.


Totally not me at all:

*by my own stupid self


Local Legend
Oh no, as soon as I saw the first line I knew it was either stardew or Ark, I've seen some of your Ark escapades before Lew, and you better share some more.
As someone who knows of Ark only by looking at the steam page and reviews about it absolutely destroying computers, it's truly fascinating - What on that poor ravaged land is a morellatops?

Lew Zealand

Oh no, as soon as I saw the first line I knew it was either stardew or Ark, I've seen some of your Ark escapades before Lew, and you better share some more.
As someone who knows of Ark only by looking at the steam page and reviews about it absolutely destroying computers, it's truly fascinating - What on that poor ravaged land is a morellatops?
It's a fakey-fako dino which serves as the camel on the desert map (Scorched Earth). It's big and ugly and kinda funny and takes up wayyy too much space but I have 2 of them now. General update: I have like 20 dinos now and all but 3 are rescued babies. I--- I should stop.

But not yet.
I just don't care to pay full price for a game I already own. It's the worst sort of cash grab, and I'm not participating. Ark: Survival Ascended is just Ark: Survival Evolved with some updates on a new engine. Satisfactory didn't sell a whole new version of the game when they iterated to a new engine, neither has anyone else really. So doesn't really make sense.

I'd suggest Palworld, honestly. People complain about the similarities to Pokemon, but honestly? It's basically Ark, with cute totally-not-pokemon instead of dinosaurs, and there's a great deal more automation you can build into your base using your minions as a workforce to employ them when they aren't actively out fighting.

And at roughly a third of the price of Ark: Survival Ascended, a much better deal overall.


Local Legend
It's a fakey-fako dino which serves as the camel on the desert map (Scorched Earth). It's big and ugly and kinda funny and takes up wayyy too much space but I have 2 of them now. General update: I have like 20 dinos now and all but 3 are rescued babies. I--- I should stop.

But not yet.
Wow, I don't know if I'm less or more confused (no fault of your own lew)

Lew Zealand

I don't dare play this game because rescuing the furry babies would become my only goal :flushed: It sounds like a good game though
That's kinda what it's become at this point. And the whole map's covered in cute easily tameable Jerboas so you can surround yourself with as many fur babies as you can possibly stand. And there's like 3 different kinds of cats but I only have loads of doggies right now, cats are a lil more difficult it seems. It's... not what I started playing Ark for many years ago.

But sometimes the future is weirder than you can predict.