Stupid question for smart people about seed predictors

Hi so I’ve used a seed predictor before and I have a very loose understanding of how it works, so I’m sorry if this is completely wrong.

But to my understanding, what you get from the fishing treasure chests will be different based on the time you catch the fish. Like if you manage to get a fishing treasure chest at 11:40 and you reset the game, you’ll get the same treasure again at 11:40 if you get the chest at that time. But if you catch it at 11:50, it’ll be completely different. It’s ‘random’, but not really: just like geodes. So is there a way to predict what you’ll get from a treasure chest (based on the seed) at different times?? Because it seems to be a preset thing, right??


Local Legend
Hi so I’ve used a seed predictor before and I have a very loose understanding of how it works, so I’m sorry if this is completely wrong.

But to my understanding, what you get from the fishing treasure chests will be different based on the time you catch the fish. Like if you manage to get a fishing treasure chest at 11:40 and you reset the game, you’ll get the same treasure again at 11:40 if you get the chest at that time. But if you catch it at 11:50, it’ll be completely different. It’s ‘random’, but not really: just like geodes. So is there a way to predict what you’ll get from a treasure chest (based on the seed) at different times?? Because it seems to be a preset thing, right??
No, it's not preset and doesn't depend on time. For all intents and purposes it is impossible for a human to force what they want from treasure chests without elaborate rng manipulating and then that would have to be done by using programmed inputs as to advance the rng calls a certain amount iirc.