Hi there,
I apologize if this is not the right place to mention this, but I wanted to maybe help others and allow them to not loose too much time figuring the bug... Let me know if I should mention this elsewhere, as this is *not* a stardew valley bug!
Yesterday, my stardew valley game started to lag every 10 seconds or so. Just a one second micro-lag, but which renders everything extremely frustrating. Happened on completely new game without any mod as well.
Turns out after many attempts at figuring out what was happening that the culprit was an update of my Stream Deck (that I am using for some computer related actions but not for gaming). Turning the Stream deck app off solved the problem instantly.
So if you are encountering small lags in your game and using Stream Deck, I recommend downgrading your stream deck app to 6.6.1, it works. Any version above this is making the game lag.
I did not notice this with other games than Stardew so far, hence why I post this here. But maybe it affects other games too.
With that said, it’s time to go back exploring the valley :)
I apologize if this is not the right place to mention this, but I wanted to maybe help others and allow them to not loose too much time figuring the bug... Let me know if I should mention this elsewhere, as this is *not* a stardew valley bug!
Yesterday, my stardew valley game started to lag every 10 seconds or so. Just a one second micro-lag, but which renders everything extremely frustrating. Happened on completely new game without any mod as well.
Turns out after many attempts at figuring out what was happening that the culprit was an update of my Stream Deck (that I am using for some computer related actions but not for gaming). Turning the Stream deck app off solved the problem instantly.
So if you are encountering small lags in your game and using Stream Deck, I recommend downgrading your stream deck app to 6.6.1, it works. Any version above this is making the game lag.
I did not notice this with other games than Stardew so far, hence why I post this here. But maybe it affects other games too.
With that said, it’s time to go back exploring the valley :)