Statues of Endless Fortune should pick through loved gifts


Local Legend
SoEF right now is a tad dissapointing in more ways than one, especially is the fact that you can only get a single type of birthday gift from the statue for each birthday, Pam will always be a parsnip, Krobus and diamond, and so on.

I wish that SoEF would just randomly pick or cycle through non universal loved gifts, maybe one year I get pickles for Harvey or something cooked like blackberry cobbler for Abigail, just adds a little more variety. Helps for some who just wish to collect different items too, it'd be great if I could get a few radioactive bars once every 12 years or something on a super lategame farm.

Lew Zealand

Anything that adds variety but not at the expense of gameplay is 100% great with me and this is one of those. I suppose there could be required loved gifts the first year (unchanged from current) and then a minigame is added for subsequent years where there are options for any of the other loved gifts on the appropriate day. Simple thing such as a spinny arrow Wheel like at the SDV Fair or even the Strength-o-bashy thing where I get "Gorilla" so many times.

However he's never made comments about my unwashed knees and feet so it's not clear if he's mistaking me for you or not.
SoEF right now is a tad dissapointing in more ways than one, especially is the fact that you can only get a single type of birthday gift from the statue for each birthday, Pam will always be a parsnip, Krobus and diamond, and so on.

I wish that SoEF would just randomly pick or cycle through non universal loved gifts, maybe one year I get pickles for Harvey or something cooked like blackberry cobbler for Abigail, just adds a little more variety. Helps for some who just wish to collect different items too, it'd be great if I could get a few radioactive bars once every 12 years or something on a super lategame farm.
Good Idea! i had to reorganize my storage shed and sell a lot of these items you only get on a special date, because it's too much and boring. Noone needs 2 chests full of super cucumber or bean pot or something like that :-)

Lew Zealand

Good Idea! i had to reorganize my storage shed and sell a lot of these items you only get on a special date, because it's too much and boring. Noone needs 2 chests full of super cucumber or bean pot or something like that :-)
Now that I have more than 1 Statue of Perfection, I'll amend my comment above: multiple Statues could just randomize the Loved gift so that you get a mix of all the options. Yay it would be 3 whole things for Alex, but 12 for Maru, and 28 for Penny!! Now that's a half-decent reason to buy a whole bunch of Statues in very late game, for the variety alone.
Now that I have more than 1 Statue of Perfection, I'll amend my comment above: multiple Statues could just randomize the Loved gift so that you get a mix of all the options. Yay it would be 3 whole things for Alex, but 12 for Maru, and 28 for Penny!! Now that's a half-decent reason to buy a whole bunch of Statues in very late game, for the variety alone.
ok slow down...don't exaggerate :-)