iOS Statue of endless fortune and crystalariums vanished


Items disappearing from game
I’ve had 3 or 4 crystalariums (I think I had 4 but can’t remember) and a statue of endless fortune disappear from my game. I know I had the statue of endless fortune on the 14th Spring because I remember it giving me a pink cake for Hayleys birthday. I’m not sure when the crystalariums disappeared but would have only been in the last week. I was distracted by the desert festival the last few days and it was only because of Pams birthday (18th Spring) that I noticed they were missing, when I went to get her gift from the statue.

I’ve looked in all the chests I have around the farm but they’re not in any of them. They were inside the house, along the walls of the living room. In this save Sebastian and I have just had a baby boy named Mrkve and it is currently 18th Spring Year 3

your version number, including build number
V1.6.15 build 24354

what OS and device you are using
I play on an iPad Pro (3rd Gen) iPadOS 18.1.1

in-game language
English language

single-player or multiplayer
Single Player

if you're using controller or keyboard/mouse
I just use the touch screen

It won’t let me upload the file so any help in that matter is also appreciated