Other Stardew Valley fabric prints?


Okay, so this isn't the creative thing--yet--but I thought other crafty Stardew folks might be able to help me: do any of you know where to find Stardew Valley fabric prints? I'd love so much to make some of my cloth masks using Stardew stuff, but I'm not finding anything in my searches so far except for someone who is selling Junimo print clothes (not just the cloth itself). Help!


Are you making the face masks by hand? If so I would look up custom fabric printing, and have them print stardew design on it. If not this Website seems to print custom face masks. Hope I could help, can't wait to see what you make!


Are you making the face masks by hand? If so I would look up custom fabric printing, and have them print stardew design on it. If not this Website seems to print custom face masks. Hope I could help, can't wait to see what you make!
I am! I've been able to find some of my geek loves--Dr. Who, World of Warcraft, D&D, Studio Ghibli, etc.--but haven't found any Stardew stuff yet. I feel like junimos and stardrops would make a great mask pattern.


I'm a pixel artist somewhat. Would you mind if I made some patterns for you if you like them you could use them. I could use the practice:grin: heh


I'm posting the patterns in fan works! If you like em' you can use them! There only two th but I'll make more!