Forest Farm Stardew Traken Valley

Lew Zealand

Heehee I was wondering if it was that Traken and it is! And that is totally Nyssa's hair and much better early outfit before the boring white shirt.

Side note: I love the music from this and the following story Logopolis, where they lean heavily into it. Fits perfectly with the stories, hits me like a ton of bricks and then...

It's gone. New Doc new music, waaaaahhhhh! :water:
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Heehee I was wondering if it was that Traken and it is! And that is totally Nyssa's hair and much better early outfit before the boring white shirt.

Side note: I love the music from this and the following story Logopolis, where they lean heavily into it. Fits perfectly with the stories, hits me like a ton of bricks and then...

It's gone. New Doc new music, waaaaahhhhh! :water:
It's a mix of outfits! Basically:

1) Nyssa's "theme color" is purple. But judging by her box in tKoT and her later outfits (MU and Snakedance) - her favorite color is blue.

2) So I tried to mix all three outfits in a way. I made the shirt blue and similiar to her Snakedance\MU looks, but her skirt is based on tKoT. Making it an unique look. I would've made the name Stockbridge, but it was too long, and so was Gallifrey.

3) The Snakedance deckchair look is iconic, and technically it was underwear\a slip\underdress in MU and Terminus, which propably means she was also wearing it under her clothes in tKoT to Snakedance. Except it propably would have showed under the fairy skirt, so who knows :wchicken: but at least it was considered underwear on Traken so maybe she wore something similiar but shorter and propably meant to be tucked in her thights. Young Kassia (and also Luvic if he were a girl named Luvica) wear the same thing, and middle aged Kassia's clothing is similiar, and Katura instead wears no makeup and also wears a men's robe meaning she's the futch one. I see Katura as an edgy futch person, like an old Abigail or Lilith Pleasant type. Kassia is more like Robin, Nyssa = Penny.

The Denis Carey Keeper I see him as an equivalent to grandpa, Neman to Morris, Tremas to Pierre, Seron to Demetrius, and Luvic to Elliot.

But as they look now (or when Stardew Valley was made) I think Sarah Sutton would be cast as Marnie and Robin Soans as the Wizard\Rasmodius. So who knows. :crab:
But 1981 SS looked like Penny and 1981 RS looked like Elliot, so.

Apropos of Marnie, have Luvic manning Marnie's register.

He's not actually this dark. He's the same coloring as he would be, and his pants are grey like his robe is in tKoT.

A bit weird that RS and one of the foster Extras are the only slightly darker\mediterranean-looking people. I'd assume Traken is actually very diverse. And that Luvic is possibly mixed race, the Traken way. I once had a
family tree where his grandfathers, one looked native american (or perhaps mulatto according to my dad) and the other asian, being AI generated. But he takes after his grandma, who is somehow 73 yards selkie Mrs Merridew, who happens to be the daughter of Chronolock Guy and Alien Lady off Face the Raven. Those genetics be skipping generations! Not to mention how Admis\Habrian Lady's father looks like a whole other species while still looking like he's played by John Woodnutt and still wearing dark grey Traken robes.

Technically, my Nyssa and Luvic are in two completely separate savefiles, because Stardew Valley is not like Animal Crossing or The Sims where you can create as many characters as you can.

And here's him by the tent.

Lew Zealand

OK wow, now I know it's been a little too long since I watched classic Who as I forgot that Nyssa's outfit was purple in tKoT and the following season, I always have her blue blazer outfit in mind but she wears that only towards the very end, in MU. LOL recency bias there. And I think I just remembered why as I've been listening to the Big Finish audio dramas and they feature Nyssa and the 5th Doctor a lot so the blue blazer features heavily in my imagination.

I think it might be my favorite one too as I like the deckchair look but it seemed off a bit which works in that she's not human. Same goes for the original purple outfit with fairy skirt, I thought the designers did a great job with that to look different but not too different. Though the later purple Victorian inspired riding top with ehm, pants was less interesting though Sarah Sutton carried it well. All were way better than Adric's jumpsuit thing. We don't talk about what wardrobe did to Tegan.

I love your equating characters in the story to SDV, especially Katura as older wiser Abby, that so fits! And there's no perfect hair for Luvic, he needs longer hair but not too long! Too bad you aren't doing multiplayer and someone else could play him. :toothy:

OK I need to watch Keeper again, it's hard for me to make it there as I usually feel the need to watch from the beginning of Season 3 but need to wade through the 3 E-Space stories before which contain some elements I love but can be a little on the draggy side. I already have it open, e-space be damned! :laugh:


OK wow, now I know it's been a little too long since I watched classic Who as I forgot that Nyssa's outfit was purple in tKoT and the following season, I always have her blue blazer outfit in mind but she wears that only towards the very end, in MU. LOL recency bias there. And I think I just remembered why as I've been listening to the Big Finish audio dramas and they feature Nyssa and the 5th Doctor a lot so the blue blazer features heavily in my imagination.

I think it might be my favorite one too as I like the deckchair look but it seemed off a bit which works in that she's not human. Same goes for the original purple outfit with fairy skirt, I thought the designers did a great job with that to look different but not too different. Though the later purple Victorian inspired riding top with ehm, pants was less interesting though Sarah Sutton carried it well. All were way better than Adric's jumpsuit thing. We don't talk about what wardrobe did to Tegan.

I love your equating characters in the story to SDV, especially Katura as older wiser Abby, that so fits! And there's no perfect hair for Luvic, he needs longer hair but not too long! Too bad you aren't doing multiplayer and someone else could play him. :toothy:

OK I need to watch Keeper again, it's hard for me to make it there as I usually feel the need to watch from the beginning of Season 3 but need to wade through the 3 E-Space stories before which contain some elements I love but can be a little on the draggy side. I already have it open, e-space be damned! :laugh:
Nyssa has worn various stuff in the audios too. There’s the Spaewife circus 🎪 outfit and the brown Traken outfit after she gets deaged. I propably will change SDVNyssas outfit too.

A while ago I said: she’s a Trakenite dressed for Manussa, so the outfit works.

Yes they needed more outfits.

Prof Grisenko could be the older Sebastian.

Galaxy 4, huh? 🤔 Maybe I will start up as a Drahvin instead! 😆