[Spoilers] Family in Ginger Island


Good afternoon.

I like the idea of having a second residence in Ginger Island, but I would add some options to it.

It would be great to be able to take your family with you. I see that some days my spouse is in the island as a tourist, like any other NPC, it would be great for them to arrive there with you, or at least to live with you (and your children).

Another suggestion would be to add an option to the phone to be able to call to your "main house". That would be really cool and would add a bit more of "realism" to the game.

Thank you very much.
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The first suggestion is the one I was looking information about! :smile: This would be really cool to add such option and make it like 1-2 week vacation with cooldown for 1-2 month. I think that we'll get mod on such topic
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Local Legend
I dunno... if your spouse moves out to the island for a bit, the kids'll have to be brought along too. There's not a lot of room for 2 kids beds and a double bed for you and the spouse in the island hut unless you're not doing anything else but using it like a vacation hut.

Don't get me wrong. I'd love to move out to the island, bring the wife and kids and spend the winter there. It'd be great. I think we should be able to expand the hut a bit to allow you room to have some equipment for processing stuff there, because otherwise you'll still be stopping back in the valley at your farm to do all of that.


They can always add some way to expand the hut, and also you'll always have to return to the Valley more or less often (unless you have everything finished and nothing to take care of in the farm).

I just don't really "know" how to use the hut, because with the return sceptor and the obelisk just next to it, I return to the farm every night to sleep. If my family was with me at the island I would spend many more nights there for sure.

I have some crops, kegs and preserves jars at the island, but these are thing that I just check every day or every few days and that's all, I don't see a reason to stay there any longer...


Local Legend
I just don't really "know" how to use the hut, because with the return sceptor and the obelisk just next to it, I return to the farm every night to sleep. If my family was with me at the island I would spend many more nights there for sure.
When you have the Island Obelisk back in the valley and a Return Scepter... yeah, it's not exactly hard to go between the two. I still think it'd be awesome to move the family out to the island. 😉
I dunno... if your spouse moves out to the island for a bit, the kids'll have to be brought along too. There's not a lot of room for 2 kids beds and a double bed for you and the spouse in the island hut unless you're not doing anything else but using it like a vacation hut.

Don't get me wrong. I'd love to move out to the island, bring the wife and kids and spend the winter there. It'd be great. I think we should be able to expand the hut a bit to allow you room to have some equipment for processing stuff there, because otherwise you'll still be stopping back in the valley at your farm to do all of that.
It should include.
It would be great to be able to take your family with you. I see that some days my spouse is in the island as a tourist, like any other NPC, it would be great for them to arrive there with you, or at least to live with you (and your children).
maybe it would be nice to have a miniature town there that you could invite people out to that you have two hearts with but this may be the the wrong place since I just joined


I feel like you should be able to 'hire' someone you have 8+ hearts with to babysit while you and your spouse visit ginger island.

It would certainly add an interesting romance mechanic as well as a nice real life touch to a vacation.