1.6 Update [Spoiler] Fortune Report/TV Display


Hi, just wanted to clarify if this is a part of the 1.6 update or if it's always been there? I just had a "Very Happy" fortune but the TV Display was different, not to mention I just had the best Skull Cavern Luck/Haul with 4 Auto Petters and a bunch of trinkets (I found it really hard to get an Auto Petter, I'm on Year 11 already and this is my first duplicate of an Auto Petter I got, the first was around Year 3).

TV Display: (The backdrop has sparkles/confetti instead of plain purple?) I was wondering if this meant even better luck.


TV Dialogue: (Still the same as the usual Happy Fortune)


Skull Cavern Haul: Actually had a lot of other goodies but I had to give up some for the trinkets (and saved some duplicates for my friends who play co-op in my farm sometimes)


Thanks in advance :).


I think I remember reading something in the patch notes about new backgrounds for maximum and minimum luck so that was probably it.