Switch Split screen play


My partner and I have been playing co-op split screen on the switch. Prior to 1.6 we never had the game crash, but since 1.6 we have probably had the game crash 10 times in the first in game year. There hasn’t been any one thing that has happened for it to crash. Is anyone else having this similar problem?


My wife and I been having the same problem on our game - it crashes at least once every hour or so. Happens most often at the end of days on the summary screen, during the skull cavern when we are both using bombs, and in the volcano on ginger island.

We’ve had some truly disheartening ends to playing when the game has crashed…from after finding an auto-petter and two parrot eggs, making it to level 99 in the skull cavern, and days of extensive farm redesign work. We adore this game and have played hundreds of hours, and this is the only issue ever over our years of playing that has had us end our sessions early out of frustration :(

Playing 1.6, switch co-op split screen.


we're having the same issue too

a temporary solution that we've had success with is to close and reopen the game before every playing session

here's to hoping that the latest update fixes this🤞