Spirits eve festival change

Out of all the festivals in the game, the spirits eve festival dtives me crazy because it stops you from entering town all day dispite the fact that it doesn't start until 10pm.

The only real change to the town aside from the skeleton cage is the maze which would require the whole day to set up. Since that is next to the community center i suggest that that area get fenced off during the day of the festival instead of stopping us from entering town. (It could be fenced off using the same fences the other festivals use to to stop you from leaving the festival area).

You could put a notification like the ones that pop up to say your axe is ready to tell people tovleave the area by 6pm for final preparations. If they don't they could be teleported back to their farm like you do when you get KO'd in the mines. That way we can still go shopping in town and sell our goods during the day
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