1.6 Update Speedrunning "M5"? (1.6 spoilers)


I'm curious if anyone has tried to speedrun full mastery, yet? I did a casual search but didn't find anything. What do you think the strats are? Obviously there's part one, getting to ten in every skill (with 5 subparts: getting to 10 farming, getting to 10 foraging, etc) and then get mainlining any XP as quickly as possible.

So what would your approach be? Meadowlands farm for easy out-of-the-gate chicken-petting XP, Wilderness Farm because combat always feels like my last skill to hit 10 and stray monsters from the convenience of your front yard might help out with that? Four Corners with monsters turned on for a little bit of everything? Would it be more effective to just prioritize cold hard cash as early as possible and get it all done by the bookseller?


Local Legend
Fastest I've seen it done was about 6 hours I think

Definitely could be brought down.

My general routing (off the top of my head so it could absolutely be optimized) would be:
1. regular joja speedrun minus most of the stuff from joja, just the greenhouse, desert
2. use the cash for coffee and salads, copper pick
3. complete the mines
4. void farm for combat xp (level 8 for ammo) while collecting materials for a general sc dive. have something in the greenhouse at this time for harvesting while you day skip, strawberries could work fine though you get them later than ideal
5. Run desert fest year 2, you need 6000 calico eggs to buy all books to get foraging 10 without any actual foraging. You'll get level 10 mining easily from this as the calico nodes give an absurd amount of xp, probably finish combat too
6. Fish, alternatively you could sleep for traveling cart to sell bait and bobber book but unless this is seeded/being predicted it'll likely take more than that amount of time to get the cart to sell it

Roughly 5-6 hours tbh, very rough routing though