Windows [SOLVED] No Sound even after reinstall (Steam version)


Hey everyone,
so I've been searching around for a while now and I can't find a fix. I have no sound at all. Other games, platforms etc. work normally, just SV doesn't.
A couple of things I tried. I reinstalled the game and verified it. SMAPI (after only installing Smapi) says it is because of Microsoft.Xna.Framework. So I reinstalled that too.
Having seen some other posts that seemed to have the same problems and trying their solutions as well (installing OpenAl, updating my graphics drivers) I still have no sound.
I hope someone has a different fix for me that finally might work.

Thanks in advance,


Lew Zealand

Hello Spiidi and Welcome to the Forums!

I'd try reinstalling the sound/audio drivers next if you haven't already, though I'll bet you have. I don't have much confidence in it but it won't hurt and I've had weirder things fix lingering errors. Like reinstalling sound drivers fixing Excel startup delays. You don't ask why, you just do it to fix the problem.


Hello Spiidi and Welcome to the Forums!

I'd try reinstalling the sound/audio drivers next if you haven't already, though I'll bet you have. I don't have much confidence in it but it won't hurt and I've had weirder things fix lingering errors. Like reinstalling sound drivers fixing Excel startup delays. You don't ask why, you just do it to fix the problem.
Jesus I feel dumb now.. I think you're kind of right. So firstly yes, I already tried that and it didn't work, but you gave me the idea to plug in a controller and use that as an audio output (through the audio jack) and voilà it works no problem. I have no idea why but for whatever reason SV doesnt seem to like either my speaker or my headset.

Thank you so much

For others with the same problem, I'm sorry but I'll stop troubleshooting in fear of breaking something more than just SV Audio. From what I can tell it probably is something driver related but if its only SV for you as well I'd say to just use a controller or whatever (external soundcard might be also possible but idk)


okay so I kind of found a "reason" at least I believe I did. So when plugging in my controller the standard audio device changed. This made it possible for SV to launch the Framework. For whatever reason something was wrong with it and it now works without the controller. And through my Headset. I have no explanation but theres the fix (at least for my problem)
Maybe for someone more technologically advanced has a reason, but to me it just looks like SV or at least Xna Framework has problems starting on some devices?
So if nothing worked just change the standard audio device (right click the speaker icon -> Sounds -> and then choose a different audio device and click on "as standard")
Special thanks to Lew Zealand since honestly was giving up and this post was a last-ditch effort ^^