SMAPI for iOS devices?


Hi folks,

I‘m currently playing Stardew Valley on my iPad and there, I want to install some mods because I want to play this very nice game with mods and unfortunately, my parents don’t allow me to buy the game for macOS and/or Windows / Linux. But SMAPI is only fully supported on Windows, macOS and Linux and partially supported on Android. But I want to play with mods on my iPad and iPhone farm. Now to my question: Does an official SMAPI for iOS exist and if yes, where can I download it? If not, should I make one with Swift Playgrounds 4 on my iPad if this is possible and if it’s allowed for me?

Sincerely yours,


As far as I understand it, the problem is that Apple restricts what you can install.

If it was possible, somebody would have made it already.


🤔 . . . Maybe have the creator, and/or his team, go over the various MODs & decide which ones are Purchasable bonuses. Half of the proceeds will go to the MODs’ creators & the other half would go to the creator’s business.
I honestly do like the Tractor Mod, but I could see it being more of a Horse upgrade. I also like the seasonal outfit & the more Mature 18+ content, not the overly violent nor drugged up ones, just the kinky lewd ones (Choosing Peace over war, Kissing over killing, & Procreation over annihilation). Aside from that, I’m hoping it’ll be interesting & such…


on Ios and iPadOS you can sideload apps the one problem is that you will need some way to verify that you bought stardew valley, it can be implemented, example that if the app founds the Stardew valley app on the os it will download the ipa file, the problem is by doing that the url of the file can be easily used unless it creates a one time code for accessing the file and if the d is jailbroken it will request to download a tweak but sometimes it can be detected as fake jailbroken so it would have to check if that version of iOS/ipados and the device can be jailbroken. But distributing a copy it will still be illegal even if you buyer the game. There can be a jailbroken version but it will be hard to see a no-jailbroken version