Hi! So you have to go into the Multiple Spouses mod folder and click on the config.json file. After this it should take you to your notepad app. If you don't have notepad, click on search microsoft store, and look for the Trio Office. Download Trio, and then open config.json with it. Somewhere in the text it should say "bed width". You want to set this number to 3, then hit save at the top left. Make sure its saved in text. Have a good day! :)Does anyone know how to make the bed smaller in the mod? I'm using the newest version and have looked through the files and can't seem to find anything can someone please help?
Thank you so much, you just saved my computer from me adding more modsHi! So you have to go into the Multiple Spouses mod folder and click on the config.json file. After this it should take you to your notepad app. If you don't have notepad, click on search microsoft store, and look for the Trio Office. Download Trio, and then open config.json with it. Somewhere in the text it should say "bed width". You want to set this number to 3, then hit save at the top left. Make sure its saved in text. Have a good day! :)