Question Small farm maps and focus on fishing, foraging, questing


I went through a few custom maps to see what custom features they can offer. I'm curious if it's possible to make a farm with custom fishing zones like say the same thing as in level 20 mines - wherever through a bonus farm cave or just a custom water pool on the farm map? (and then pushing Pierre's board quests towards farming/foraging, maybe mining rather than farming for example.)

As for small maps, I went through:

- - the smallest map - this one is pretty crazy, no fishing but still intriguing (would be cool if it was extendable through a bonus cave for example, although no buildings would fit anyway)
- - small ocean - has ocean fishing and low-level river. Pretty neat.
- - small forest - not fishing oriented (although recycling for refined quartz or coal even as a side fishing), still looks nice
- - small beach - relatively simple but has neat river mouth with mixed fish that also give max level for river and ocean fishing