24k Ancient Fruit
Thanks for all your replies to my other post about this Festival!
So chances are that I won't be spending too much time thinking about the Desert Festival in Year 1, but just for a quick heads up about what I can look forward to in Year 2:
1) I heard that Calico Statues increase your rating when going down the Skull Caverns, but they come with side effects. More often than not, these will be detrimental. What are the most devastating bad effects that you could get from these statues in your playing experience?
2) Speaking of detrimental effects from Calico Statues, is it possible to get the same one (such as "More Serpents") from a different Calico Statue during one Skull Cavern run? If so, will it stack? If that's the case, then would it be possible to get the "More Serpents" effect 3 times during the same attempt and then find myself absolutely swarmed with Serpents on every floor?
So chances are that I won't be spending too much time thinking about the Desert Festival in Year 1, but just for a quick heads up about what I can look forward to in Year 2:
1) I heard that Calico Statues increase your rating when going down the Skull Caverns, but they come with side effects. More often than not, these will be detrimental. What are the most devastating bad effects that you could get from these statues in your playing experience?
2) Speaking of detrimental effects from Calico Statues, is it possible to get the same one (such as "More Serpents") from a different Calico Statue during one Skull Cavern run? If so, will it stack? If that's the case, then would it be possible to get the "More Serpents" effect 3 times during the same attempt and then find myself absolutely swarmed with Serpents on every floor?