Skull cavern dives and loot


Local Legend
After about floor 1750 or so every rock is ore and as you get deeper it transitions into more and more valuable ore until being full iridium at about floor 5600.


Also wondering how many crystalariums you are running rn
Don't have an exact count, but it should be pretty accurate as I probably haven't found many in treasure rooms. According to the crafting screen I've crafted 688 crystalariums. 4 sheds are full (2 for jade, 2 for diamonds), plus a lot in the greenhouse too (I also have fruit trees there, but no plants). Lately I've put fire quarts in a few crystalariums, because batteries is by far the biggest hurdle now, so I need to craft more solar panels.

Slim chance for this query, but I'll try anyway. Finally forked out for the 200,000g decoration thingy, and then put a bunch of chairs in the desert, intending to try out that somewhat cheesy way to get to the mine entrance quicker. However, actually jumping from chair to chair proved more tricky than I thought, because it seems like I need to have the mouse pointer over the next chair, otherwise my bloke won't move. Is it meant to function like that? It looks so effortless in the video I found about it. But on my side, with the screen moving as well, so the chairs are going this and that way, it wasn't very easy to smoothly move up the chain without wasting time.

It looks weird as hell too, but maybe that's a bonus :D


Local Legend
Am trying to add some information about this to the wiki. Perhaps I'm not explaining it well enough or briefly enough. If @FilthyGorilla or others want to a
Thanks sure, I am just wondering the idea behind adding it?

Just as resources to any willing to pursue this themselves?
Glad to see too that you mention the double pause and both button presses, those are invaluable.


Thanks sure, I am just wondering the idea behind adding it?

Just as resources to any willing to pursue this themselves?
Glad to see too that you mention the double pause and both button presses, those are invaluable.
Yes. It would just be for information purposes so that others can try this out if they want. I was lucky and happened to get help from you here, but a lot more people are surely visiting the wiki instead of the forum, so I figured it would be good to have it up there.


Local Legend
Luck buffs will make it more likely to find a ladder, and to find a treasure floor. It doesn't do anything when generating the contents of a floor.

However, there is a LuckLevel% chance of getting an additional piece of ore from an ore node.
This is super late of a reply but does that add much ore to a larger run on average? I have a base 3 luck usually and I’m wondering if upping that to 7 with mrc would change much.


How many nodes do you say you would break in a run?

It's another 4 ore per 100 nodes. May not be worth for the ore alone, but MRC will increase your ladder pace (if you are relying on rocks for ladders)


Local Legend
How many nodes do you say you would break in a run?

It's another 4 ore per 100 nodes. May not be worth for the ore alone, but MRC will increase your ladder pace (if you are relying on rocks for ladders)
I probably break about 1600-2000 nodes? So it adds up a hit, probably not mattering too much.
That’s for deep dives, other runs like stairless I’m already using high luck. Thanks for the info


Blast from the past... 😊

Not been here for 2.5 years apparently, but bought the game on ps5 a few days ago, and started a farm yesterday. Back to being a newbie 😅 Will try to relax more and not min max, but it can be tough in games like this with so many incentives to specialise for higher income.

About deep dives in Skull Cavern, have anyone tried that on console? Is it simply not possible?

Reading back, I sure had some nice runs there 😳 Floor 2000+ and over 6000 iridium ore. Jeeze! 😂


Local Legend
Blast from the past... 😊

Not been here for 2.5 years apparently, but bought the game on ps5 a few days ago, and started a farm yesterday. Back to being a newbie 😅 Will try to relax more and not min max, but it can be tough in games like this with so many incentives to specialise for higher income.

About deep dives in Skull Cavern, have anyone tried that on console? Is it simply not possible?

Reading back, I sure had some nice runs there 😳 Floor 2000+ and over 6000 iridium ore. Jeeze! 😂
Oh my, look who's finally back, nice to see you around

Deep dives on console are a bit rough but absolutely manageable, though can't really reach the level of pc runs

I won't spoil anything you haven't played yourself with the new update, but there are a couple things which make it much more viable for runs, closer to 1.4 in yield, a friend of mine who's strategized with me on runs cracked 20k iridium on a run somewhat recently and my highest would be an equivalent 15k in the update so it's been a fairly fun time