Mac Save files missing? [SOLVED]


I accidentally selected trapper instead of fisher, and when i found that i could fix it by going into the save files, i tried to do so. But no matter what i do, i cant find the save files? At this point I am just worrying about where they are and not the profession change. If anyone has had this problem, and knows what to do, please tell me! :)


Can you still find them in game?
you can change the profession in game, as soon as you gain access to the sewer.

Have you tried following the instructions for Mac here:
I was a bit confused as to where the "go" option was, but i managed to find out how to do it (open terminal, use command "open .config" and i was brought to the folder holding the save files.) The config folder is apparently naturally hidden, which is why i couldnt find it at first. (link to tutorial i followed)